Thursday, May 28, 2020

Epidemic Trump

Okay, I'm looking at something else right now. Is there any correlation we amateurs can see between WaPo's Cases graph and WaPo's Deaths graph. Both have peaks and valleys. Do peaks align with peaks, valleys with valleys? Would we expect them to align? Uh...No? Why not? I looked up how long it takes from infection to symptomatic. From CDC via UC-San Diego: "The respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 typically appear an average of 5-6 days after exposure, but may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." But that's just when people get symptoms, not when they fucking die. How long between symptoms and death? I bet I'm not going to be able to find an answer to that...No. Some average number on that exists for certain but a knucklehead like me isn't going to be able to find it easily. How about BoJo? That motherfucker almost kicked the bucket. Okay, BoJo: BoJo tested + March 27. He got sicker and sicker and entered hospital April 5. On April 6 he had worsened and was moved to the ICU. April 9 back in general population as better. So the key date seems to be April 7. That is when Johnson was sickest, so sick that, he says, doctors were working on what to say if he died. Twelve days from the day he tested positive to his closest to death. Surely BoJo is not representative but it's all we have to go on so we'll keep twelve days in mind. Okay, let's look at the graphs.

The first peak in Cases, i.e. confirmed positive tests, before a significant trough was April 4. The first peak in Deaths before a significant trough was April 10.
Half the time it took BoJo to go from test+ to his sickest. Okay, don't know what to make of that. Let's see the next. That would be April 9 for Cases. Deaths peak before trough, April 14. Five days. Next. Cases, April 16; Deaths, April 17. That doesn't align at all. Cases, April 24, the peak of peaks, the Everest of Cases; Deaths, April 21, also the Everest of Deaths. That's reverse alignment. Peak Deaths have to be associated with an earlier period of confirmed cases. It would make sense to this Idiot Blogger that Deaths Everest, April 21, is associated with the April 6-12 Cases skyscraper. That was a thick ol' skyscraper, lotta cases April 6-12. 219,064 Cases in the week April 6-12 inclusive, peaking on April 9 at 33,792. That is exactly the BoJo Interval: 12 days, April 9 peak in Cases to April 21, Everest of Deaths. So the April 9 Cases peak is not, to my way of figgerin', associated with the April 14 Death peak. What cluster of Cases is April 14 Death associated with? I can't figger it out from looking at the graphs. Done. Lemme know if you come up with anything, K?