Monday, March 28, 2022

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov had things to say tonight:

Unfortunately, those conditions
[sanctions], they are quite unfriendly. And they are enemy, enemy-like for us. We entered the phase, the phase of a total war. And we in Russia, we will feel ourselves amongst war, because Western European countries, United States, Canada, Australia, they actually — they actually — they are leading war against us in trade, in economy, in seizing our properties, in seizing our funds, in blocking our financial relations. 
Dmitry, old chap, don't open your mouth so much because you don't look handsome when you do it. The sanctions are enemy-like D-Pesk because you are the enemy. You didn't invade Ukraine, and President Biden told your master exactly what would happen if he didn't invade Ukraine, you didn't and now you have no one in the real world, which I understand is not your world, to blame but yourselves. It is an economic WAR against your Anthropoid state Pesky and we will, we, the word I'm looking for is crush, we will crush you, hit you so hard you'll wake up in 1998, if you wake up at all!

And we have to adapt ourselves to new reality. You have to understand Russia. You have to understand Russia.” 
Peskov, you're a gas station with nukes, that's a complete understanding of you. You with your unevolved brains have to understand the West: You are not getting away with not invading Ukraine. What did you not understand about that?

Referencing Russia’s ongoing tension with Nato, Peskov said:

For a couple of decades, we were telling the collective west that we are afraid of your Nato’s moving eastwards. We too are afraid of Nato getting closer to our borders with its military infrastructure. Please take care of that. Don’t push us into the corner. No. 
Oh stop, wouldja? No, you won't. You and your anthropoid country have more fears and phobia. How many times, Peskov, has NATO invaded your Gas Station? "We're afraid,'' "we're afraid," lay down and take a shot of vodka. No, we won't "please take care of that"! Yes, we will "push you into the corner" you have drawn around your Gas Station with your brushes of fear and paranoia and mental defects. "No." YES! Peskov, get this through your head: we hate you, the best you can hope for is a Gas Station on an island. State apartheid. We will never deal with you again, not trade, not talk, not negotiate. And if you want war, real nuclear war with the West, will are ready. It will just take one step by you to get you there, we're not going to tell you what it is, but just one more step and all of your disgusting land and anthropoidal occupants will be an Exclusion Zone where the non-human fauna will flourish and you, the anthropoids, will be lucky to grow tumors that may actually enlarge your brains.

Now we said, listen, guys, we are not happy with this coup in Ukraine. And you have guarantees by Poland, by France and by Germany. You would probably remember the document with the signatures of the relevant foreign ministers. No reaction. 

Have it your way, Peskov, we couped Ukraine and you didn't invade Ukraine. You knew the consequences. Just one little step further, Peskov, and you will have all of your fears realized.

Then, we said, listen, guys, we’re not happy with the possibility of Ukraine’s getting into Nato, because it will endanger us additionally, and it will ruin the balance of mutual deterrence in Europe. No reaction. 
Right, no reaction. Oh! Well, Ukraine did become a NATO member, that's right.

Then we said, listen, guys, we want equal relationship. We want to take into account each other’s concerns. If you don’t into account our concerns, then we will be a little bit nervous. No reaction completely.” 
No, you're not going to have an equal relationship, that would require lobotomizing our population except in Alabama. No, we didn't take your concerns into account, we invaded you. Repeatedly over 30 years we, NATO, the West invaded you. Yes, we understand that made you a little bit nervous, and yes, you got no reaction from us other than continual invasions of your Gas Station.
Anything else, Dmitry, or are you done? We look forward to the first nuclear exchange.