Friday, September 21, 2012

"You know why they hate us? I talked to intelligence people all weekend. They hate us because of their religion, they hate us because of their culture, and they hate us because of peer pressure. You talk to any intelligence person, they will tell you that's the same thing. And all those people who think we're going to go over there and change them are just naive. Think about the savagery -- the sheer unrestrained savagery -- that we have seen across the Middle East and the Arab world because of a crude film. They know what they're doing.".

"One intelligence person told me, if you scratch the surface, and if you gave every street vendor to prime minister in that region a chance to throw a rock at the U.S. embassy, they would," he said. "So this [film] is their excuse."
                          -Joe Scarborough.

Mr. Scarborough, an msnbc host now, was the Republican Congressman from the 1st District of Florida from 1995-2001. I agree with the above.