Saturday, June 29, 2024

I started to write this at 10:03 last night

But I was running on five one-half hours sleep. And I had been thinking, writing, and texting about the debate for 18.5 straight hours. And I've had nine years of this shit. And I'm 69-years old. And it's Saturday morning. And I'm getting pissed that I have to make this decision at my age after nine years when I'm so tired of it all.

The answer to my question below is HARD, as I started to write. The hardest civics decision I have ever faced. In a text exchange with a friend last night I achieved temporary, partial clarity that my friend agreed with:

“Yeah, you can’t lie to yourself and I wrote last night, albeit under emotional duress, what I have felt for awhile, and that was that Biden should withdraw.  I couldn’t watch the last half hour I was so upset.”

But, as I started to write here last night, the right thing to do is hard all the way down. 

My friend is going to play with his cat today. I'm going to Zen out too, at least until my vitamin a kicks in.

 Is it difficult or is it hard?


I have always divided non-trivial questions into the difficult and the hard. The way that I think, a difficult decision is one where the right decision I must make is clear and easy to understand, but is nonetheless difficult for me because it causes me or people I care about some level of pain. A hard decision to me is one where the the right decision is not clear and I have to study the question to divine the right answer. A hard decision is not painful. Each kind of decision has to be made. The difficult decisions I make with alacrity. The hard decisions I make the moment I see the issue clearly. I am a pragmatic man.

Is the decision that Democrats have to make in re President Biden difficult or hard?

Hard. As hard as hard. Harder. viz

Do I believe Joe Biden is able enough to be president for the next four years? 

Define "able".

Smart ass. Able encompasses inter alia, the intellectual, the cognitive, the emotional, the moral, the training, the experience; able is the entire human equipage to be president.


But the hard is just starting.

At the present time I face a binary choice. Since I have concluded that Joe Biden is not mentally fit enough to be president I then have to decide if the binary alternative, Donald Trump, is cognitively fit enough to be president. Is Trump cognitively fit enough? No.

You see how this is hard. We have to choose between two No's. 

Okay, is one less cognitively fit than the other?