Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I’m Switching Camps: Joe Must Go


Politically, societally, and nationally the last nine years have been humiliating to America, embarrassing personally, invalidating of the legitimacy and efficacy of democracy, and emotionally fraught. Democracy is not supposed to work this way. It is not supposed to keep people in a decade-long frisson. It is not supposed to leave voters with the choice between the unfit and the unfitter. 

Now the president is ghosting us. He has other people he speaks to who then tell us what he said. It’s insulting. Democracy is not supposed to be insulting to the people. For me, all he had to do today was personally tell us, the voters: In or Out. Instead, in less than 24 hrs he told “close ally” his decision was contingent and was coming soon. Close ally told us. Then he told campaign staff he’s absolutely In. Somebody else had to tell us that. He can’t make up what of his mind he has left. I will vote for him if he doesn’t withdraw from the campaign. As political strategy, to increase the chances that we dodge the far greater evil, President Biden should resign the presidency and confer the patina of President on Kamala Harris. That is what I believe in my heart and head would be best: President Harris.