Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Normal People and Low-Lifes…

I am shocked. Kamala brat, coconut kamala, has released some primordial unknown power like a new superweapon that has dominated discourse and short-circuited the interwebz. Heroic Trump is obscured by the mists of time as if it occurred in the ‘60’s. A curtain as thick and impenetrable as a London fog is drawn between the most recent past and the most recent present and the immediate future. The keys to Fort Knox have materialized miraculously and all the gold bars have been teleported to kamala hq. A lime and vantablack tsunami has drowned stillborn all potential normal opposition and the mutant, impotent Trump, now helpless and paralyzed as this new force obliterates them too suddenly to even give voice tona terrified, awe-strick scream.

Tomorrow and the 104 remaining before Judgment Day may be vastly different. But American politics, or politics anywhere in the democratic world throughout history have NEVER seen a 24 hrs like these 24 hrs.

We are all witnesses.