Wednesday, August 07, 2024


Project 2025’s new leader Kevin Roberts postpones his own book launch until after the election

WASHINGTON (AP) — As Project 2025 hits turmoil, the head of the influential, far-right Heritage Foundation is postponing the release of his potentially fiery new book until after the November presidential election.

Kevin Roberts, who took over Project 2025 as part of a leadership shake-up amid blowback over its recommendations for a potential Donald Trump White House, said Wednesday he is focused on defeating presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala HarrisTrump’srunning mate JD Vancepenned the forwardto Roberts’ book.

“There’s a time for writing, reading, and book tours — and a time to put down the books and go fight like hell to take back our country,” said Roberts, the president of Heritage Action who has been mentioned as a potential chief of staff in a Trump White House, in a statement.