Friday, August 30, 2024

Ever Heard of New York Times Pitchbot?

I haven't subscribed to NYT for, oh about a year. Their McDonalds commercial writ large Editorial Board, their twee double-headed endorsement in 2020, 
their "quasi-official" entitlement, their forced homogenization of differences between Democrats and Republicans, their maniacal mission to listen to Trump low-lifes, to give voice to those best left dumb, to point out the "fun" of Trump rallies, their "Here's what you need to know" pedanticism, Nicholas Kristof. ...My indictment is lengthy.
Anyway, New York Times Pitchbot parodies all things Timesian:

Okay, so that's the template. The template is the Times' template. More:

So he, the creator of New York Times Pitchbot is a math professor, takes these Timesian things and parodies them, or, sometimes, they parody themselves. Viz.

The Times self-parody'ing:

Doug J. Balloon, or Mr. Balloon as the Times' stylist would insist he be called, expanded into other fecund fields:

I hope Kamala's next sit-down is with New York Times Pitchbot.