Wednesday, August 07, 2024

"We're not going back"

That's a great political slogan. It has spawned a corollary in my mind, very unconventional wisdom for politics: "Don't go back". Always Forward, the legend of the shark, Trumpie's greatest fear, after getting beaten by a Black woman. "Don't go back" means letting Trump-Couch flail away with the attacks and not responding. 

Old CW: always respond to an attack within the same news cycle. As I recall that was Bill Clinton 1996. That is ancient political history. The "same news cycle" today is like 15 minutes. Trump ear pierce procedure, when was that? Ah, before I was born. That debate thing? Remind me. Biden (greatest president since FDR)? Yeah...old guy, right? Good guy.

New CW: "Happy Warriors". Attack, always attack, the shark never rests. Walz: "We'll sleep when we're dead." The shark legend is that it has to keep moving or it dies.  Attack with a smile and some humor. The Kama Walz is a joyful dance. The Couch Dance is grim and...weird. Ignore the weirdos, don't respond, keep moving, move too fast for anything to stick. The Kama Walz is a fast dance. Look at Trump-Couch Dance trailing (that's behind, that's where you are when you trail) Kama Walz wherever they go. We dance in the Liacouras Center, they mud wrestle with themselves in The Asylum. We get 12,000 at the Chippewa Valley Event District; Vance plays with his tools on a factory floor before "a few dozen employees."

Old CW: sit down for interviews by the gray eminences of the legacy media. 

New CW: You're gray, but who made you an eminence. You think you're entitled? Na-ah, Fourth Estate, you heard of the interwebz? X, Tik Tok? Instagram? You remember from 2016 and 2020 how the guy you gave $200M in free air time to to cover his rallies bypassed you to message directly to his supporters? That was a 21st century campaign there! You have a right to report. You don't have a right to ask Q's; and we don't have a corresponding obligation to be questioned. You want to know what I think, what I say, where I stand, I'm the sitting vice president of the United States. I know what's going on all over the world. I'm in on every decision that is made. Cover the White House, I'll be there right by the president. Cover our political rallies, attend the debates if the weirdos agree, you'll get all the information that's available.

New CW: We're Not Going Back to those old ways.