Friday, April 26, 2013


America's leaders failed the American people.

The Boston police failed to see a person leave backpacks/duffle bags unattended in a crowded public place. 

The FBI failed to watch Tamerlan Tsarnaev after being alerted by the Russian government.

The do-it-yourself Al Qaeda bomb-building instructions were available--are still available--on the internet. If the Obama administration didn't ask search engines, including Google, an American corporation, to remove the content then the U.S. government failed. If the Obama administration did ask and the search engines refused then the administration should have shut the site down and failed to do that. The search engines, Google and whichever others, should have censored the site on their own initiative.

By virtue of being the world's search engine of choice Google is one of the most powerful leaders in the world. Google censors websites on its own, e.g. those involving drug sales, child pornography, and those advocating direct violence. Here, for God's sake, an Al Qaeda website teaching Muslim terrorists how to make bombs to kill Americans went uncensored by Google. 

The Obama administration, along with American opinion leaders such as Thomas L. Friedman, the New York Times, and Salon are engaged in a policy of appeasement toward Islam that made the other failures above possible. The Obama administration is reluctant to use the word "terrorism;" it justified the initial violence in Egypt and Libya in 2012 as "spontaneous" demonstrations, and blamed "Innocence of Muslims." The New York Times did not mark the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks on its front page last year in a conscious attempt to forget, and to make its readers forget. The Times embarrassed itself when planned attacks on Americans and sovereign American territory occurred throughout the Muslim world on the anniversary that they consciously downplayed.  Mr. Friedman has written recently that "we probably overreacted" to 9/11/01 and has urged Boston to quickly remove the bloodstains and repair the damage caused by the Marathon bombings, to forget and to move one. Salon openly hoped for a "white male" terrorist in Boston. It is a failure of will. They are afraid. They are afraid of the Muslim enemy. They are too afraid to acknowledge even that that enemy exists. 

Failure: complete, unmitigated failure.