Thursday, July 18, 2024


President Biden has not lost support from the Progressive Caucus, the Black Caucus, Lefties. The way that I read all of these white Dems, they're concerned with losing the House and Senate in addition to the presidency. I guess they think that Kamala Harris on top of the ticket gives them a better chance to hold Congress. I don't know why ABJ as the prez nominee helps down ballot. Americans are famous, or infamous, ticket -splitters. However, if the white Dems are going further and arguing that Harris or ANY LIVING AMERICAN can stop Heroic Trump they are smoking something. So I fundamentally do not understand their reasoning.

Pelosi, Long Fixated on Winning, Is in No Mood 

to Lose With Biden


Nancy Pelosi is all about winning. Regarded by many as her party’s most ruthless tactician...

And the former speaker is in no mood to start losing now, as evidence mounts that President Biden is staring at a major defeat that could drag his party down with him.


...his loss, she fears, could cost her party its chance to win back the House, potentially its only firewall against a second Donald J. Trump presidency.

...The former speaker is intimately familiar with the minutiae of campaigns from her years following House races district by district, and she has been marshaling her knowledge of the political map, polling data and fund-raising information to press her case with Mr. Biden. 

 One ally said that Ms. Pelosi told Mr. Biden in a recent call that she had seen polling data suggesting that he could not win, and the president had pushed back, saying he had polls showing otherwise.

Ms. Pelosi, never shy in such situations, challenged him on that.

“Put Donilon on the phone,” Ms. Pelosi told the president, referring to Mike Donilon, the president’s longtime aide, according to people familiar with the exchange, which was reported earlier by CNN. “Show me what polls.”

Did the president put Donilon on the phone? Were there other polls that the Biden campaign had that showed that he could win?


In a carefully worded response to reports on what Ms. Pelosi had told Mr. Biden in the phone call about his political future and that of House Democrats, her spokesman did not deny that she had shared data showing the president could not win if he chose to carry on and pressed him on what other data he could be basing his decision on.


Aides to Ms. Pelosi, a prodigious fund-raiser and a firm believer in the power of money in campaigns, have also sought detailed fund-raising information from the Biden campaign in recent days to help the former speaker assess the status of the campaign, according to two people familiar with the request.

“She does not think he can win,” said one Pelosi confidant who asked not to be identified. 


People who have talked with her say Ms. Pelosi is motivated by the prospect of a second Trump administration unraveling her hard-fought accomplishments from two decades as leader, including the Affordable Care Act. She also views Mr. Trump as an existential threat who drove the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, is totally unsuited and unqualified to be president, and is a tool of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

“With him, all roads lead to Putin,” Ms. Pelosi said in 2020 of Mr. Trump.


...Pelosi,...Schumer, and...Jeffries...convey to Mr. Biden the rising alarm among congressional Democrats about him losing the election and leaving them in the minority in both chambers of Congress.

In separate face-to-face meetings last week with Mr. Biden, the two leaders laid out in detail the views of colleagues, many of whom believe the president should step aside to protect both his own legacy and their seats.

Show me the data that you have, Ms. Pelosi, that Biden at the top endangers these specific seats while Harris at the top does not.