Monday, July 30, 2007

Ward Churchill=Clair Hull="Mistress Kenis," Dominatrix?

We have uncovered evidence that
supports our preliminary conclusion
that Dr. Ward Churchill did
misrepresent himself as an American Indian as alleged by the
University of Colorado.

As in our last post we here offer evidence that as regards being trans gendered Dr. Churchill did not misrepresent and that his name as a woman may have been "Clair Hull." At top left is the infamous photo of the militarist male Churchill brandishing an
assault rifle. Next to it is a photo that we believe shows Churchill in his previous life as a 6'5"female dominatrix. Note the similarity in facial structure, the chin, and the eye
glasses as well as the Indian-like body painting. We believe that the name Churchill went by in his fetish was "Mistress Kenis."
The third newly-published photograph purports to be Churchill as a woman. Again note the similarities in facial structure and glasses as well as the large pendant breasts
which would be difficult to remove in their entirety, leading to the photograph at bottom which seems to show breast remnants.
Allegedly, Churchill's female name was "Clair Hull," all the letters of which are contained in the male name "Ward Churchill."
On this evidence we believe that the University
of Colorado was wrong in concluding that
Churchill misrepresented. This is Public