If 601 Biscayne provides a statement of particulars:
"...multiple instances of conduct detrimental to the team over the course of the season and particularly the last several weeks."
1) what "multiple instances of conduct detrimental"? 2) over the whole season"? 3) "particularly the last several weeks"?, then I reserve the right to revise my judgment that Riley is the main culprit here, not Jimmy. There are no instances of conduct detrimental that have been made public to my knowledge. Spoelstra said that sitting Jimmy in the entire 4th quarters of the New Orleans and Indy games was due only to Jimmy being out of action for 13 days. If Spo concluded to the contrary, that Jimmy was browning out; similarly, if there were behind the scenes disruptions, e.g. at practices, or if Jimmy was running down Riley or Spo to other players, then judgment revision is called for. But 601 Biscayne is a very tight Carnival ship, they hide shit they don't want out and they leak what they do want out to smear players.