Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Beginning

The Beginnning

The San Fransisco Earthquate started at precisely 5:12 a.m.

The Titantic stuck the iceberg at precisely one time.

Hitler wrote that his anti-semitism began with one encounter on one day with one Jew in Vienna.*

The AIDS virus has been connected to one man who gave a blood sample in the Congo in 1959.

A person is killed by a cancer that begins at a specific moment with the first mutating cell at.

There is a compulsion to know The Beginnning because of human-kind's need for meaning. It is the rational's need for an explanation of the unexplainable.

Knowing The Beginning is the ultimate starting point in that process. But knowing The Beginnning does not provide meaning. It is the morbid result of the rational process's reductio gone absurdum. The rational is beguiling, it does not provide meaning.

The Big One would have struck San Francisco sometime. AIDS would have made the primate leap in 1960 or 1961. Hitler's anti-semitism would have started sometime.

But they didn't. They struck when they did and we obsess on those moments because we confuse but/for-often random-occurrences with cause and that is a fault of the age of rationality.

-Benjamin Harris

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