Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Seeking the Soul of China: "The Ants Tribe," by XYZ
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Seeking the Soul of China.
Matteo Ricci, an Italian Jesuit, was the first person from the west to be allowed inside the many, many walls of ancient Peking, in 1601. Eventually he insinuated himself into the Forbidden City and the imperial court.
At the request of his patron, Emperor Wanli, Father Ricci drew a world map, a big world map, twelve and one-half feet long by five and one-half feet tall, and put the Middle Kingdom in the middle just as Wanli would have had it.
Ricci's is the earliest surviving map to alert Chinese that there was a world far beyond theirs. Chinese are still struggling with how to deal with that. This is Public Occurrences.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Ebensburg, Pa.
Friday, 13 Apr 1906
Death of Dr. J. Ross Garman
At the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Garman (near North Barnesboro) the immortal spirit of J. Ross Garman passed from time into eternity. Dr. Garman was a young man, being only 23 years, 4 months and 23 days of age and until overtaken by his last illness had every reason to look forward to a bright and successful future.
On February 28th he was compelled to return home, owing to an attack of typhoid fever, which developed into the most virulent type. Although everything in medical skill was resorted to and every loving attention lavished upon him, he was forced to give up his brave battle against the angel of death and on Saturday, March 31st, surrounded by his loved ones, calmly bade farewell and peacefully passed to that other shore, where we hope and believe he was received and welcomed by the host of redeemed ones.
Surviving him are his parents, five sisters and three brothers.
When he died one of those five sisters was fifteen years old, a particularly vulnerable age for a girl to lose an older brother, and she had idolized him. For the next seventy-four years she would describe the feeling she had that day the same way, how her heart felt like a "cold rock" and every time she talked about it she would have the same pained, quizzical look on her face. I can see that face now.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Politics and Justice in the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office. Reefer Madness

One evening one of Katherine Fernandez-Rundle's prosecutors, assigned to a specialized unit, walked into the vacant office of a friend, another prosecutor, to look for a file. In the bottom drawer of a file cabinet, among common personal effects, was the unsmoked remnant of a marijuana cigarette, commonly called a "roach."
The Haitian Earthquake

"The U.S. military aimed to have about 1,000 troops on the ground in Haiti on Friday, and thousands more in ships off shore. The total will reach 9,000-10,000 troops by Monday."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Haitian Earthquake
Monday, January 11, 2010
Seeking the Soul of China
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Seeking the Soul of China: "The Ants Tribe," by XYZ
Sunday, January 03, 2010

of the Prophet...
(That's Mohammed's face right there.)
violates sharia and constitutes a capital offense. Since 2005
These confederates of Westergaard had “guns” with which to shoot Lamb with “bullets.” These weapons of mass destruction are specifically banned by sharia because Muslims have not learned how to make them because their technology is stuck in the tenth century as is their law, concepts of personal hygiene and whole culture so they have to use hatchets and knives and throw rocks. Lamb’s body was penetrated twice by these bullets which is twice more than Lamb’s wife’s body was penetrated by Lamb’s man-weapon in the last year owing to its own insufficient firepower.
In the last year Scandinavia has increased its threat to world peace from insulting Islam to insulting President Obama, first by not awarding Chicago the Olympic Games and then by awarding him the Nobel Peace Prize. This page has been critical of the president for not recognizing that the Clash of Civilizations with
Friday, January 01, 2010
"We Rise with Our Dreams."
Below is an email, slightly edited, from John Jarvis, singer and composer of the melody to We Rise with Our Dreams, which provides some background to the song. It is reprinted with his permission. Joe Henry wrote the lyrics.