Sunday, January 03, 2010

It becomes our disagreeable duty to report on another outrage perpetrated in loathsome Scandinavia, this time by Denmark. I do not know if Denmark has a king.

Four years ago cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, now 74 years old, created a drawing for a Danish publication that purported to depict the Prophet Mohammad wearing a turban-bomb with lit fuse.

Any depiction...


of the Prophet...

(That's Mohammed's face right there.)

violates sharia and constitutes a capital offense. Since 2005 Denmark has harbored this war criminal and refused to turn him over to the Islamic civilization for beheading followed by fair trial. Yesterday a Somali lamb of Islam defended himself by breaking into Westergaard’s home with a hatchet and knife in order to carry out the sentence. The aged wretch, assisted by his five-year old granddaughter, continued his aggression by activating an alarm and secreting himself in a room previously made secure from Islamic justice. The alarm was fiendishly rigged so as to bring the Danish police mushing through the snow to his aid.

These confederates of Westergaard had “guns” with which to shoot Lamb with “bullets.” These weapons of mass destruction are specifically banned by sharia because Muslims have not learned how to make them because their technology is stuck in the tenth century as is their law, concepts of personal hygiene and whole culture so they have to use hatchets and knives and throw rocks. Lamb’s body was penetrated twice by these bullets which is twice more than Lamb’s wife’s body was penetrated by Lamb’s man-weapon in the last year owing to its own insufficient firepower.

In the last year Scandinavia has increased its threat to world peace from insulting Islam to insulting President Obama, first by not awarding Chicago the Olympic Games and then by awarding him the Nobel Peace Prize. This page has been critical of the president for not recognizing that the Clash of Civilizations with Scandinavia is real. We call upon him now to cancel his trip to Oslo, Minnesota for the Nobel award ceremony. We also urge the president to convene the United Nations Security Council to formally consider sanctions against Denmark and all of Scandinavia. This is Public Occurrences.