Below is the next installment of Mr. Mu's book, beginning with the GLF. Interestingly, Mr. Mu uses the higher casualty figures estimated by Jaspar Becker and not the lower figures of Judith Bannister and Chang and Halliday. Professor Frank Dikotter in his monumental work "Mao's Great Famine" convincingly estimates 48,000,000 dead. Henry Kissinger, in "On China," cites to Becker but wrongly quotes his estimate as 20,000,000.
11. The Great Leap Forward and the following starving to death approximately 40,000,000 people((1958-1962)
After suppressed 550,000 “rightists”, Mao also tried to boost the economy, but he did not treasure science, did not believe the intellectuals, he was utterly despotic, acted willfully, finally created a unprecedented catastrophe. In 1958 Mao proposed a “work up full zeal, strive to get the upper hand, economically build socialism” general line in the second Session of the eighth CCP congress, and launche d the “Great Leap Forward” and “people’s commune ” movement (the “general line ”, “Great Leap Forward” and “People's commune” ware called “three Red Flags” of communism), rallied into action in the national various trades and occupations, implemented “high target, arbitrary order, empty exaggerating ” and “boast communism”, finally the economy collapsed completely, the ecological environment received the enormous destruction. But Mao and CCP never acknowledged the defeat, instead carried on large scale celebration. Because the “Great Leap Forward” created the “big famine” in 1959-1961. Mao’s CCP politically, ideologically and organizationally got the upper hand for dictatorship, consequences are economical fiasco, society's box-up, several ten million person of unnatural deaths under the peace period normal climate condition. |
(1)Mao launched all the country to eradicate sparrows
At the same time in counter-rightists struggle, Mao did against the nature and science, in 1957 he mentioned again the "Questionnaire to Agricultural 17 Opinions" he wrote in 1955 December, in which the13th Opinion said to eliminate the “four pests” (mouse, house sparrow, fly, mosquito). And from March to May, 1958, Mao many times in CCP Central Committee conference summoned to eliminate ‘four pests” such as house sparrow. He said: “the means are, set firm resolve, act in unison but divide and assign the work, seal grain, scatter the unescapable net, fight a war of annihilation continuously.” Therefore all the national hit the house sparrow. Guo Moruo, chief of Chinese Academy of Science and President of Chinese Cultural federation, published an article tittled "Curse of the sparrow" in Beijing Evening News on April 21, 1958. |

(1) “Red Flag inserted all over Xinhailian” on June 16, 1958 “Xinhailian Daily”, meaning was after the counter-rightists struggle, there presented the Great Leap Forward. (2) In 1958, elimination house sparrow mass movement in Fujian Xiamen. (3) Beijing, a 85 year-old uncle and his younger brothers are the experts to catch house sparrow, he and his family members had caught more than 30,000 in the winter. When his niece got married, the quilt was made by sparrow velvet. (4) Respond Mao’s summon, a expert catch sparrow with the net.
(1) “Report Good News Team” of “eliminating four pests” one after another went to the government.(2) Beijing summoned that hitting house sparrow with crossbow. (3,4) On April 19, 1958, began from 5:00 am, Beijing had laid a dragnet on the sparrow, this was the Chinese People's Liberation Army climb up the city wall to stop sparrow hole, in evening to pull out sparrow nest. (5) striking various sounds to drive away sparrows.
(1) Beijing summoned the elementary students to eliminate sparrow. (2) Picture poster “Everybody come to hit sparrow”, 1958. (3) Picture-and-story book “Hit sparrow”. Hebei People Arts Publishing House, 1959. (4) Demonstrating the achievement of eliminating sparrow. (Photo: He Jinbu).
(1-4) in January, 1958, ten thousand persons mobilization meeting “eliminate four harmfuls, pay attention to hygiene” in Handan, Hebei Province. People mass eliminated sparrows.
(1) In Handan, Hebei province, women and children went forth to battle to eliminate sparrows . (2) On April 25, 1958, in Shanghai neighborhood old women knocked the wash bowl to drive away sparrows. (3) Some Shanghai guesthouses’ staffs beat drum in the attic and wave flags to scatter sparrows. (4) Staff assumed duty in attic to scatter sparrows. (5) victory of hitting sparrows.
Shanghai, newspapers reported, on February 13, 1958, before dawn, city-wide campaign to extinguish parrow started. Whole city’s streets and alleys, red flags were fluttered on the buildings, in gardens or open areas, streets, on ships, even in farmland, and all were covered innumerable sentry posts, stuffed dummy; elementary students, cadres and staffs, worker, farmers, soldiers all cried continuously, became a fight atmosphere. ......According to 8:00 pm statistics, the whole city altogether eliminated 194,432 sparrows. Renowned mathematician Professor Su Buqing, struck the wash bowl to drive sparrow, the news photo of this had became the symbol of the Chinese intellectuale blindly followed Mao and the CCP. |
(2)Mao launched the Great Leap Forward, big steel-making in industry
(1,2) The political propaganda of Mao’s instruction “15 years catch up with Britain”.(3) Mao’s instruction : China's steel and iron productions and so on “two years surpass Britain”.
(1) Mao Zedong saw cadre making steel in Beijing Zhongnanhai(where is place of the Offices of CCP and the State Council). (2) Mao ignored steel experts, summoned that the national several ten million people to do “small furnace, indigenous methods, mass movement” making steel in. Picture shows making steel by“small furnace, indigenous methods, mass movement” in Inner Mongolia . (3) Making steel and iron by indigenous methods in Gu county, Shanxi Province. (4) The CCP Suzhou committee sponsored “advanced” blast furnace to make steel and iron.
(1)Steel-making native-style furnaces in Suining County, Henan province. (2) Housewife all joined making steel and iron. (3) In order to the steel production surpass Britain, every iron's thing such as cook pot, collected to make iron-smelting material, no matter had no pot to do food, ate in Communal dining hall.
(1,2) Every family and everybody smelt iron. (3,4) Everywhere destructed the ecological environment for iron-smelting. (5) Smelting iron in Xushui County, Hebei province.
(1) One of the 90 iron furnaces in Yantai western suburb, Shangdong province. (2) Farmers of Yu County smelted iron, Henan province. (3) Bo'ai County’s farmers constructed iron furnaces. Henan province. (4) Guangxi President Liu Geping inspected iron-smelting jn countryside.
(1) Propaganda photo of farmers transported ore to smelt iron in Poshan County, Shandong Province. 1958. (2) Smelting iron in Changshu County, Jiangsu province. (3) “Team of report success news to the Party” when the workers of Harbin Boiler-Making Plant iron-smelting got “high production” .
(1) Rural women did the family iron-smelting. (2) Both the downtown and countryside in Guangzhou were smelting iron. (3) All over the country had night shift iron-smelting. (4) Foshan used indigenous methods making steel, Guangdong province.
(1,2) Hebei province, Sushui County Rural people's commune 's iron furnace group, used blacksmith bellowers. (3,4) Teacher led students smelting iron with indigenous methods. They were called “Guangxi Tiandong County Steel Army, the first division eighth regiment subordinate battalion”.
(1) In 1958 Beijing was a parade “Firht for 10,700,000 tons of steel and iron”. (2) Henan Province, Baofeng County greatly did iron-smelting. (3) The residents contributed their family's cook pots, iron beds, iron furniture and so on to send to complete the iron-smelting duty. (4) Fujian province, Xiamen middle-school students smelted iron.
(1) Guangxi Luzhai County’s iron-smelting seriously destroyed the ecology. (2) The iron-smelting seriously destroyed the ecology, several dozens years could not to restore. (3) The residual propaganda slogan of “iron-smelting movement” in the countryside. (4) Picture poster “steel is the key link, leap forward Comprehensively".
(1) Picture poster about launching Great Leap Forward. (2) Picture poster “Long live Great Leap Forward”. (3) Picture-and-story book "Works up full zeal, strive to get the upper hand, Economically Build socialism”.
(3)Mao launched the Great Leap Forward, “launching satellites” in agriculture, greatly exaggeration
(1) In 1958 Mao Zedong inspected the agriculture’s Great Leap Forward. (2,3,4) in the Great Leap Forward, CCP used the media such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily to boast propaganda, many were creating false impressions, propagandizing pictures and articles.
(1) “Farmers deliverd the tax grain” in Great Leap Forward. Obviously the truck cannot move. (2) In Anhui Province Zongyang County, “Agriculture satellite field” rice yields per mu 16,000 catties, in fact they were transplanted rice plants from other place together. (3) in 1958, Henan province, Xiangcheng county, a People's commune did “the satellite field” greatly, dug the soil depth more than 3 metres.

(1) In Guangdong province Panyu county, a paddy field was launched “agriculture satellite”. (2,3) The honest intellectuals did not tell the truth, the renowned scientists also in media such as People's Daily added fuel to the flames for the Great Leap Forward. (3) Picture poster "Agricultural Great Leap Forward, Each People's Commun Launch Satellites". (4) “Grain satellite”; on June 8, 1958 Daily reported, Henan Suining County wheat average yield per mu amounts to 2105 catties. On June 12, also reported this society emited the second “satellite” yields per mu 3530 catties. Afterward, every regions had emitted“satellite”, the more yield per mu grain one after another, like the Guangxi Huanjiang County Red Flag People's Commune, rough rice yields per mu 130435 catties. (5) On September 4, 1958, many newspapers reported launching “satellite”. (5) On October 4, 1958, “Suining County Newspaper”(Henan provinve), the sesame seed in the County launched the satellite, the yield per mu amounts to 2800 catties.
(4)Mao launched the country to establish People's Communes
According to Mao’s instruction, in August, 1958 CCP Central Committee Political Bureau made resolution to establish the People's Commune in the countryside, pointed out that the People's commune was the collective ownership at present, later may become the system of whole people ownership, and to prepare to the communism transition. On September 10, People's Daily published editorial "First Builds People's commune's Rack". only in more than a month, the national countryside basically to realize the communalization. Kang Sheng summarized that “the communism is the heaven, the People's commune is the bridge”. |
(1) in August, 1958, Mao inspected Xushui County, Hebei province, launched to established the People's Commune. (2) Henan Suining County, Zhayashan People's Commune, here launched the first grain“satellite”. (3,4) In Guangdong Panyu County, “Establish the People's Commune, moving to communism”.
(1) Inner Mongolian Baotou celebrated the establishment of People's communes. (2) A people's commune celebrated its establishment, Henan province. (3) Hebei province Huailai County celebrated the People's commune establishment. (5) Picture poster “Long live People's Commune”.
(1) In 1958, in Dayao village of Liuyang County, Hunan province, villagers took off precious of township government brand sign, hung the new sign “Red Flag People's commune”. (2) Fenghuang People's Commune was founded in Guangxi Laibin County. (3) Establishment celebration of the People's Communes in 1958. (4) Guangdong Fanyu County, establish the People's Commune, stride forward to communism.
(1) A large-scale parade “The People's commune is good”. (2) In Guangdong Panyu County, people took an oath to the party to Great Leap Forward. (3) People's commune “collectivization of life, motion of militarization”
(1)The People's Commune members eulogized “the communism win the heaven”. (2) “The communism is the heaven, the People's commune is the bridge”. Tianjin Pictorial. 1958. 12 issues. (3) “Ihe People's commune is good” propaganda slogan. (4) The People's commune’s iron-smelting and fertilizer-making and so on movement heavyly damaged the ecology.
(1) At present in Chayashan Village, Suining County, Henan Province, rewrited that year's slogan “Communism is the heaven, People's commune is the bridge”, to attracts the tourist. (2) singing “general line, Great Leap Forward, people's communes" Three Red Banners. (3) The people's commune system is radically wrong; on April 8, 1980, People's commune's sign was taken down and hung up “Xiangyang Township Peole’s Government”in the Sichuan Guanghai County. Xinhua News Agency photo.
(1) “Celebrate eating without pay”. Celebrated the establishment of People's commune canteen. (2,3) Beijing Haidian People's commune Qinglongqiao Workstation “eating do not spend, engage in the production diligently”. Commune members collectively eati in the work site, on November 6, 1958. (4) A people's commune’s canteen in Guangdong Panyu County. (1) A people's commune canteen in Shanghai Songjiang County where the economic condition was good (Shanghai Urban commune had existed only one month but wither away). (2) The rural commune members collectively eat meals in a canteen using big pot. (3) A temple was Changed to be members canteen. (4) a people's commune canteen in Henan Suining County. (5) The people's commune canteen’s food afterward were getting more and more worse.
(5)"Great Famine" caused approximately 40,000,000 people starve to death
In 1959 early spring, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and so on 15 provinces had the springtime food shortage, lacked grain seriously. Mao wrote on Premier Zhou’s reportabout the disaster situations: “It is a big problem that 25,170,000 people in 15 provinces have nothing to eat.”. Till 1961, in three years starved to death the approximately 40,000,000 people. Reasons of the three year big famine: (1) CCP perverse actions, intensely took back production resources such as land, farm cattle, 1949~1958 annual average grain yield was also lower than 1931~1937, in 1959 the nation grain yield dropped 40%. Plants originally few, harvests because at the season steel and iron making lacked labor power, the national grain crop are few. In addition the cadres false boasted the output, the government monopoly for purchase and marketing compulsion collection, even the seed were received away in many places. farmers paid taxes heavier than before 1949. (2) The Great Leap Forward caused the national income to lose 120,000,000,000 Yuan; 1958 to 1960, outside the national plan's construction investment 24,500,000,000 Yuan, wasted mostly. (3) Mao pay attention the making atomic bomb, exported the grain to receive in exchange for Soviet Union’s technology. (4) because the Sino-Soviet relations burst, Mao Yao did “face-saving project”, let the Chinese people starve, free aid North Korea, Vietnam, Albania, Cuba and so on countries. On April 26, 1961, People's Daily reported that the Chinese government to Albania in construction chemistry, metallurgy, electric power, building material, light industry and so on 25 projects, provided the complete set of equipments and gave the technical assistance; At the same time, China also supplied to Albania major food grain. In 1960 aided the Guinean 10000 tons rice, provided 5000 tons to 10000 tons wheat or the rice to Congo. China not only free provide to overseass the fund and the commodity, but also provide the technology, provide the service, had constructed many production projects and the public utility. At this time the Soviet Union did not force China to repay a debt. In 1961 "Sino-Soviet trade talks Communique", after withdrawing expert from China the Soviet Union had not proposed repay debt, instead forgives China, proposed that the bills can be amortized within 5 years, without interest. In 1961 Northeast China faced nothing to eat, although the Sino-Soviet relations was bad, Soviet Union had lent some grain to Chinese, therefore on April 10 People's Daily said that “in 1960 we supplied Soviet Union's commodity which have owed many. Soviet comrade expressed comrade's-like cooperation and the brotherly forgiveness.” China is the natural disaster serious country, Meteorological department's material indicated that 1959~1961 years compare with around certain years, simply are not the natural disaster specially serious. The CCP propagandized “three years natural disaster create the big famine”, and wrote in the history textbook, covered its wrong decision-making. |

(1) In 1958 the Great Leap Forward brought huge harm for the agriculture specially the food production, the man as well as the producton resource put into the iron-smelting. In Henan Xingxiang countryside, had to replace the draught animal power by the women strength to pull cart, plow soil. (2) The middle-school students were plowing in bog in Beijing suburb. (3) At the beginning of 1960, Anhui Province number counties had massive starving to death person, Zhou Enlai wrote letter to Zeng Xisheng, Anhui provincial CCP committee secretary, requested to verify the reason rapidly.

(1) All the national had massive starving to death person; at the end of 1961, state president Liu Shaoqi on the mountain woods near Guangzhou picked chestnut, acorn etc., sought for the substitution food to solve the starving question. (2) on February 28, 1961, Shanxi Province Xin Ding County issued inner document, only supplied the oral propaganda, why could limit to send clothing coupon, “because these two year serious disaster, especially in 1960 cotton underproduction, immediately influenced the fabric and the textile production, , so that our cotton goods were few obviously, therefore summoned that all people lived simply and frugally, have crossed the famine, set firm resolve to overcome the temporary difficulties.”(3) According to the population statistic: The big famine created the casualty, at least 38,000,000 innocent common people's death.

There were very few phtos left during 1959-1961 big famine time (the common people had no camera, reporter also not to have the food to eat, even if had the photos, the authority also forbid to publish, covered the facts as far as possible). (1) Even people in the wealthiest big city also only in Spring Festival depend on ticket to supply meat product. (2) A provisions shop in Qingdao,the time was before the big famine approaching. (3) China’s wealthy city Suzhou, in 1960 annual each person by the “supply tickets”every day could eat 150 g to 200 g vegetables.but in 1961 only had 100g; people generally got the edema sickness, many rural population died. city residents need supply tickets then to use money to buy vegetables. (4) In 1961 Suzhou urban district grocer, by the “supply tickets” sell vegetable, did not have vegetable to supply, but on the wall slogan was “the Great Leap Forward results are magnificent”

(1,2) The People's commune canteens had some food in the beginning, after the Great Leap Forward, steel making and so on, afterward had noting to eat, so all the People's commune canteens dismissed, until massive starving to death. (3) Before the big famine in 1958, in Gansu Wuwei, several bare-legged children had something to eat in People's commune canteen, later they had not eat. (4,5) In 1960 , some one from Sichuan Changshou County mailed out a letter, mentioned that in the village died many people, the relative had died, in the family had nothing to eat.

(1) The People's Liberation Army officers' and soldiers' substitution food in the big famine time, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. (2) The CCP propagandized that “in 1960 financial problem's time, Mao Zedong did not eat the meat, often one day ate some wild herbs ......” Hunan Shaoshan Memorial Hall treasured museum pieces and the Shaoshan Memorial Hall compilation "Mao Zedong’s Relics List" recorded a menu of Mao 1961 which revealed that lie. (3) Hunan Shaoshan Memorial Hall treasuredrelics record, Mao’s food expenditure in1961 July was 654.82 Yuan, and also had fruit to spend 86.65 Yuan. In July, 1961, Deng Xiaoping inspected Daqing oilfield, he asked: “Now how the workers live? How much money One month expense?” Kang Shi’en, the accompanyied Minister of Petroleum Industry replied: “a worker one month average 13-14 yuan is enough. Recently had some import flour, each cattie 0.32 yuan, so it need spend more, the low wage worker lived very hard.”

(1) In 1962 New Year's Day in Guangxi Guilin, the advanced group and advanced worker in “industrial and communications system” were reward to purchase three package of cigarette, this was the ticket. (2) Book “Famine in China 1959-1961: Demographic and Social Implications”, By (US) Penny Kane. Chinese version, China Social Sciences Publishing House. 1993. (3) Xinhua News Agency Reporter Yang Jisheng “Tombstone - documentary of China Big Famine in 1960s”. Hong Kong World Books Publishing House, 2008. (4) Now somewhere held a recollection of the big famine.

(1,2) In 1960, Guangdong “abroad remittance pork ticket”, the government issued the ticket for exchanging citizen’s foreign remittance. 0.02 Jin (catty)=10 g. (3) National “one Liang(=50g)” grain coupon in 1962.(4)Xu Guangda, born in 1908, senior general, commander of the armored force, deputy secretary of Defense, member of the CCP Central Committee. In Cultural Revolution, Kang Sheng, Jiang Qing et al. slandered that he and He Long and Peng Zhen engaged “February mutiny”. Xu Guangda was tortured to death in June, 1969, the cause of death is unclear. In 1960 Xu Guangda's elder brother Xu Defu and younger brother Xu Deqiang were hungrily to seek refuge to Beijing’s Xu Guangda, saw Xu Guangda's kitchen, it was unbelievable that Xu Guangda usually only had very rough substitute food to eat. Only lived in Beijing for two days, they returned to Hunan native village by train. Two days later, the Public Security told Xu Guangda that his brother Xu Deqiang fell ill in the Anyang train station, Xu Guangda asked to send Xu Deqiang in hospital to rescue in Beijing. But that night Xu Deqiang died. After postmortem examination discovered that Xu Deqiang was starve to death, the stomach withered completely. Hunan's native villagers said Xu Guangda “work as commander, has actually starved death his brother”. (4) Zou Lufeng, born in 1910, graduated from Northeast University in 1926, joined CCP in 1936, was vice-president of Liaoning Province people's government in 1947. After 1949 he was assistant president of Chinese Renmin University and Beijing Universit. He sent out teams of these two universities to investigate the People's Commune and the big famine, so wrote a real situation report, finally the CCP said that he virulently attack “three Red Flags”(CCP’s general route, Great Leap Forward, People's Commune), in 1959 he was compelled to commit suicide. There were many cases like Zou Lufeng’s, such as Mao’s Secretary Tian Jiaying secretly died on May 22, 1966,44 years old.
(6)"Great Famine" caused fifty thousand "Shanghai orphans" moved to Inner Mongolia
In 1959~1962 “big famine” time, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui so on places tens of thousands orphans died because lack food, after Premier Zhou Enlai’s mediation, transported the orphans of these places’ orphanages to Inner Mongolia’s herdsmen to foster, both increases the pastoral area population and alleviated the orphan death. According to the most conservative estimate, these orphanw delivered to pastoral area had at least 50,000. Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Jilin, Xinjiang, such places the trucks and trains delivered orphans to prairie, but many children were lost in the way, on the prairie also once occurred the drowning babies event. Today, these children sent to prairie were called as “Shanghai orphans”. After the 1980s, the survived knew gradually their life experience, difficultly started their travel to seek lost relatives.In the recent 20 years, the thousands orphan searched with hardship, but the succeeds is very few.。 |

(1) Shanghai Orphanage's orphans in “big famine” time could not but were sent to Inner Mongolian prairie to maintain life; photo was the Shanghai orphans before sent to Inner Mongolia. (2) At least 50,000 Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai's children were abandoned by parents reluctantly in “big famine” time, latter were passed the places such as Henan, Inner Mongolia, Shandong. Now, survivals of these “abandoned babies” already near fifty years old. after 1980, the so called “Shanghai orphans” knew gradually their own experience, started to seek the lost relatives (3) passes through a half century, “Shanghai orphans” already became the genuine Inner Mongolia ancient, she is one of them.

On April 28, 2007, “Jinling Evening News” organized “Nanjing orphans seek relatives’ meeting”, the old orphans from Inner Mongolia were holding the respective materials, harbors the hope to wait family members to recognize; On April 29, the last day of the meeting, a lot of old orphans did not waited their relative, cried to sing "In World Only Mother Is Good"; photo by Deng Jianying.
(1) On May 1, 2007, Jiangsu Yixing City held a meeting of seeking relatives for the orphans in big famine time. From left were: Shandong Jinan orphan Wang Juan, Shanghai orphan Xu Guozhi, Shandong Zibo orphan Li Hua, Shandong Weifang orphan He Weiqing, Shanghai orphan Wang Haigeng. (2) On November 1, 2008, Zhejiang TV,held in Hangzhou, "tracing therelatives assembly" . Only from Henan province the orphans in big famine time came to participate in this meeting had hundreds. (3) a notice of "Shanghai orphan" of seeking relatives in meeting of seeking relatives.
(7)The case of Liu Jiayuan eating his son in Li County of Hunan province
Liu Jia Yuan, joined Kuomingtang army in 1948, captive who a Nationalist troop in 1948, captured by People's Liberation Army in a war but he became People's Liberation Army soldier right away, had done several times exploits, being demobilized in 1950 came back to home in Rudong village in Li county, Hunan province, was a rich village originally, gets married and had a son. Liu Jia Yuan initiatively joined the agriculture cooperative, but his life was inferior to year after year. The Li county "practice of Communism” was very cruel, everywhere had nothing to eat. Liu Jia Yuan was searched house and confiscated the property even the table , chai, bowl , bowls. Because the cadres found that he had concealed 25 yuan cash not hand out to public, he and his wife even his two years son were beaten and injured, used medicinal herb to cure for a long time before resuming. In 1959 September, cadres assert that he had stolen 20 jin of collective grain, his home’s only 5 jin grain were all took away, so nothing to eat at all. His wife left for ever. In 1960, all families without food, others could sneak to lake fishing, eating lotus root to live, but Liu Yuan endured criticism, could not do as others. In Chinese New Year's Eve, a neighbor brought him a bowl of vegetable, he and his son had the dinner. Liu Yuan got the edema disease because hunger, his son barely able to breathe, he killed his son, went out stole some carrots, boiled with his son's body. He said that this was the first time eat a full of meat. Before he was shot, the prison brought him a bowl of rice, he put the rice on the ground, he first sacrificed to his son, then eat all the rice. Henan, Anhui and Guangxi and so on province had occurred the phenomenon of eating dead man’s meat, even had "to eat the flesh of each other's son". |

Photo of “Case of Liu Jia Yuan eating his son”, Li county, Hunan province. (2) the scene when discovered the case of Liu Jia Yuan eating his son.
(8)"Big Famine" caused a fashion of 100,000 people fleeing to Hong Kong
From 1950 to 1980, nearly 1,000,000 mainland China residents fled to Hong Kong by Shenzhen border crossing. The first large wave of Chinese people escape to Hong Kong was caused by the big famine Mainland residents suffered intolerable famine, in 1962, there were about 100,000 Chinese people braved the CCP’s death penalty threat of "defection", illegally escaped into Hong Kong through various channels. Only in one day, the May 13, 1962, in Sha Wan harbor of Hong Kong had fled in more than 4,000 people from mainland, of which more than 200 were to be adviced to return back by police, but only 6 persons willing to go home. These mainland stowaways in Hong Kong dared not come back, and their family members could not get a certificate to Hong Kong to see them, so both the two sides arranged to meet in a day at the bridge of Sha Tau Kok ends. In fact, only 30 meters apart, separated by crossing to meet by shouting. They could see and hear, but could not contact, known as "Sha Tau Kok river border meeting". The second large wave of Chinese people escape to Hong Kong was caused by the Culture Revolution Because of 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution, the Chinese economy was in breakdown , the mainland residents were hard to bear in fact, in 1979 a large number of Chinese again braved the CCP’s death penalty threat of "defection", illegally escaped into Hong Kong through various channels. |

(1) In famine period , Hong Kong people lined up to go to place of border of the mainland to give financial and grain help to their mainland’s relatives. (2) A mainland woman and a man arrived in Hong Kong but were sent back by Hong Kong authorities, cried before returning. (3) A refugee child got a bread to keep it later eating. (4 ) Some escaped but were be repatriated to mainland home, they were strugled and criticized and regarded as the " class enemy". (5) Scene of “Sha Tau Kok river border meeting”. (These and following photos about person escaping to HK, majority by reporter Larry Burrous)
The wave of Chinese people escaping to Hong Kong caused by the big famine .(photos by Larry Burrous)
(1)Because of financial difficulties caused by the Cultural Revolution, in 1979, once again aroused the mainland Chinese to flee to Hong Kong and other places, lossing a lot of labor force. (2,3) The victim and the victim's grave. Because China’s frontier guards were pursuing the escapees, many were killed.
12.Down with Peng Dehuai, entrust Lin Biao with heavy responsibility to do large scale personality cult
Mao had actually become China’s emperor since Stalin's vigorously support and Liu Shaoqi et al did Mao's personality cult from the Yan'an period. But after in 1956 Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev did anti-Stalinist cult of personality, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and Peng Dehuai were no longer willing to do Mao’s,personality cult. Mao harbored resentment against Liu , Deng and Peng, Mao originally used his prestige to “consolidate CCP" through the way by non-Party personages to “make complaints”, but unexpectedly almost all the complaints directedly were agaist Mao, so mao said "draws snake out of its hole”, and he united with Liu and Deng to beat "Rightist". Mao launched the “Great Leap Forward” which casued the natioal economy breakdown, Liu’s prestige rised and Mao's personality cult decreased, Mao intended to get rid of Liu and Deng, but had no way of doing it. Peng Dehuai requested Mao to correct the error of the "Great Leap Forward", in order to get rid of Peng, Mao united with Lin Biao to defeat his dissident Peng. Jiang Qing frequently got in touch with Lin Biao, depended on Lin Biao, Mao's personality cult pushed to climax again. |

(1) Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai in a national military senior staff meeting In December 1953. Peng was born in 1898, he and Mao were native of Xiangtan County,Hunan province. In 1949, Peng served as the Vice Chairman of Central People's Government People's Revolutionary Military Commission, commander of Chinese People's Volunteers Army, Vice Premier and Defense Minister. (2) In December 1958, Peng investigated the serious consequences caused by the "Great Leap Forward" in Xiangtan, Hunan province. (3) Peng wrote Mao the 1959, demanded Mao tocorrect the wrong policies of "Great Leap Forward". (4) Lushan Conference in 1959, Mao and Lin Biao joint, removed Peng from his position.

(1) In 1959 Mao allied with Lin Biao to get rid of, Lin Biao took over Peng’s position as defense minister. (2) in October , 1960, Mao Zedong , Liu Shao Qi and Lin Biao interview the personnel who attends the Central military Commission’s enlarged meeting. (3) Lin Biao hosted the works of Central Military Commission, summoned that the whole army study Mao’s book, “Mao Zedong Thought is the unified guiding principle of the whole Party and whole army and people”. (4,5) Lin Biao: "Holding the red flags of party's general line and Mao Zedong's military thinking stride forward”. People's Publishing House. It was large quantity printed, translated into English, Russian, Tibetan, Kazakhstan language to be published.

(1) Hubei Daily and the whole nation’s newspapers in 1967 re-published the “Resolution about Peng De Huai anti-party clique in the 8th Plenary Session of the 8th CCP Central Committee on August 16, 1959". “Red Flag", the CCP Central Committee magazine, on August 16 , 1967, published “From Peng Dehuai’s failure to Chinese Khrushchev’s bankrupt”. (2) People’s publishing House in 1967 greatly issued “Resolution about Peng De Huai anti-party clique in the 8th Plenary Session of the 8th CCP Central Committee on August 16, 1959" and “From Peng Dehuai’s failure to Chinese Khrushchev’s bankrupt”. (3) In October, 1960, Lin Biao said disgustingly on the Army senior cadres convention: “Mao Zedong Thought is Marxist-Leninist peak of the present age”. Poster“Mao Zedong Thought is Marxist-Leninist peak of the present age”.
13. “7000 People's Congress” , Mao openly split with Liu Shaoqi(1962)
From January 11 to February 7, 1962, Mao hosted the expand central work conference in Beijing, in history it was called “7000 People's Congress”. Liu Shao Qi said in the meeting, the big famine and so on difficulties were "three parts natural calamities and seven parts man-made disasters”. Deng Xiaoping's speach agreed with Liu. Mao extremely discontented with Liu and Deng’s attitude. In 1967 Mao said to an Abaniya delegation leader, “The revisionists want to overthrow us, I have seen the problem when in the 7000 People's Congress”. Lin Biao talked in the Congress about Mao’s history contribution greatly, "present’s difficult, exactly because we not to do as Chairman Mao's instruction”. Mao initiatively applauded for this Lin Biao’s speech which was different from the rest, and arranged all of the various levels cadres to learn the printing Lin Biao’s speech with comment: "This article’s component is very good, it make peopel delight". After the congress Mao left Beijing intentionally getting, let Liu Shao Qi et al. reverse the grave economy’s difficulty, but it actually let Liu’s prestige surpass Mao. Mao returns to Beijing, in July, 1962, one day , Liu warmly sent regards to Mao, but Mao immediately released his long-term deposited disaffection, interrogated Liu severely. Liu also talked back: “starved to death these many people, history would record you and me!” These words stabbed Mao heavily. On September 24, 1962, Mao loudly spoke the class struggle at the 8th Plenary Session of the 10th CCP Conferences, launched “socialist education (four clean-ups) movement” (clean up workpoints, clean up account, clean up a storehouse and clean up property). Mao repeatedly urged the central leadership cadres to “stay at a selected place” to lead the movement, but nobody went down. Liu afterward spoke, many ministers had gone, Mao deeply felt his power would loss. At the end of 1962, Mao conflicted with Liu aboutthe “Four Clean-Ups movement”, Liu thought the movement needed to solve the contradictions of the “four clean-ups with four unclear”, but Mao said the key point of movement was hitting “persons in power within the party taking the capitalist road”. On December 27, 1964, Deng Xiaoping convened Central Secretariat's meeting, said to Mao: “Chairman, your body is not good, may not need to participate”. Next day, Mao was taking “Party constitution” and “National Constitution”, said publicly to the conference: “One (refer to Deng Xiaoping) call me not to take part in meeting, one other (refers to Liu Shaoqi) called me not to speak. Why deprive the right which the party constitution and the national constitution give me?” According to Bo Yibo and An Ziwen's recollection, after the meeting, Mao also said about Liu: “What's the fuss about you? I move a small finger to be possible to overthrow you!”Obviously Mao had deep hate to Liu. On January 3, 1965, Liu was elected to be state president almost unanimously in the third session of National People's Congress. Mao felt crisis, must dispute with them. |

(1,2) gets up right: Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping, Mao, Liu, Chen Yun, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De at the “7000 People's Congress” (Photo by Du Xiuxian). After Mao’s death, Deng coming on political stage, the media once again published the photo of the “7000 People's Congress”, but it erased Lin Biao's image, the CCP let the people not know the truth of the “7000 People's Congress”. (3) Liu Shaoqi spoke at the “7000 People's Congress”.

(1)Deng Xiaoping spoke at the “7000 People's Congress”. (2) Luo Tao: “Again Analysis Lin Biao’s Speach at the ‘7000 People's Congress’”. South Metropolis Newspaper, April 15, 2008. (3) In April, 1962, when the contradiction between Mao and Liu was nearly irreconcilable, but Mao visited Liu’s family. Obviously Mao had depth of strategy. (4) September24 to 27, 1962, Mao presided over the 10th plenary session of the 8th CCP Congress”(7000 People's Congress), he proposed “do not forget the class struggle”, lauched “socialist education (four clean-ups) movement”all over the country. In fact it is his start counter-attack Liu. (5) Zhang Suhua: “Changing Sit uation: the beginning to end of the‘7000 People's Congress’”. Chinese youth Publishing House 2007.