Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What is Ederson's problem?

In the 13' today that mother fucker was about twenty-five yards out of goal. Trying to chase down a Shakhtar ball before one of the miner's got to it. HE DIDN'T. He tried to kick it and MISSED. Some miner was in all alone but 68 year-old Fernandinho got back in time to get a foot on it.

Ederson does this all the fucking time! Pep likes it! Likes a goalkeeper who "plays with his feet."
You got it, Pep!

Got rid of Joe Hart for Ed. Ederson has had an uneven year but he has always come out of the box a lotta lot. City should have LOST that match today because of that dumb fuck right there. I'm sorry, Pep Guardiola or the coach of a kid's team, your goalkeeper does that--that mother fucker is an ex-goalkeeper.