“I think [the pandemic] really fucked up his head,” the first former White House
official said. “He was already on that path, he was so desensitized and
emboldened, and then during COVID, his interactions with real people
were so cut off. [Like his anal sex partner Putin] During this tragic time where horrible things were
happening, he wasn’t experiencing any of it. It was an ugly cocktail of
the pandemic and race — after George Floyd — these things that activated
his worst features. He lost touch with what was real, whatever limited
ability he had before to connect was just gone.” He was more inclined to
crack than others. “Here’s a person who is so untethered as it is, who
largely escapes accountability, and there were always weird people
around him, but the more the normal people disappeared, and all he’s
surrounded by are the cuckoo birds,” the official trailed off. “His
brain was vulnerable too because I think he was probably whatever his
version of depressed is.”