Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Mike McDaniel, Head Dissembler, Miami "Dolphins"

The man will not give a direct answer to a direct question if he can surround the answer in gauze.

Q: "Were you able to pinpoint when exactly he sustained that concussion on Sunday."

A: "Uh...yeah well, you know, there's um...the...the day after the game, Muxom (?) Monday, there was know upon reviewing the film, we, we had some questions, um, kinda feel like, you know, we kinda had an idea um that there's, 'Hey did something happen in this portion of the game?', question him, um...once we got really uh, you know, we continued to question him and once we got some information back we're like, 'You need to go see the, see the doctors', so to say with absolute certainty, uh, that it was this, that or otherwise, it was just, there were some things, um, that...caused us to really prod and um, as a result, we felt he needed to see medical professionals."

Now, the stupid pencil has to own this; it was HE who asked the question in a way that even I, veteran of dos viewings of McDaniel dissemblings, knew McDaniel would not, and could not, answer. To McDaniel's credit he goes beyond the stupidity of the question, while still answering it directly, into probabilities rather than certainties: "We kinda had an idea", they asked Tagovailoa, "Did something happen in this portion of the game." Note, McDaniel doesn't say portions plural, he says portion singular. That would be the Michael Williams clip near the end of the first half, but McDaniel, ever the clever, coy wearer of the transparent fig leaf, won't say that directly.

Q: "What were the things that caused you to prod? On the tape or was he behaving in a way on Monday showing any symptoms to you in your meetings with him or with anyone else that caused you to say 'You should see a doctor.'"

A: "It specifically had to do with consistencies of things that I study daily that, um, on tape, which, which, um provoked some uh, uh, you know, some direct questioning, um, with the high degree of concern."

                         McDaniel's face the instant he finishes saying "high degree of concern".

What the fuck is the man talking about? I don't know what the fuck he means by "consistencies".  The meaning-leader in the clubhouse for me through all of this smoke is: McDaniel studies tape of Tua all the time and he knows when he sees something aberrational to the "consistencies" he sees all the time in Tua and when he saw those three blind throws in the 4th quarter he went "FUCK! (high degree of concern) 'Tua, did you even know where the fuck you were when you made those throws?" (really prodding). "Um, no, I really didn't." (getting some information back). But, is that what McDissembler meant?