Sunday, August 04, 2024

"SUPER weird"

The GOP's "incel platform" repels voters

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Being obsessed with repressing women is goofy. 

Trying to watch what LGBTQ+ people do all the time is abnormal. 

Punishing people who don’t have biological offspring is creepy. 

It’s an incel platform, dude. 

It’s SUPER weird. 

And people need to know.

Vance was a poor pick as running mate for this reason, and yet Trump's choice was its own "ecstatic truth," revealing how deeply screwed up MAGA is about sex and gender. divorce, which Vance has denounced...

Over the years, Trump has relied heavily on this community of under-sexed nerds, angry divorced men, and dudes with an array of hang-ups to fuel what is now nine full years of presidential campaigning.

By picking Vance, who speaks fluent Internet Weirdo, Trump appeared to be shoring up his pitch to this base of aggrieved men.

Michael Shermer
·Feb 22

I called it yesterday--IVF frozen embryos is just the start: a feminist movement against the pill end recreational sex have sex, make babies
Heritage Foundation
"It seems to me that a good place to start would be a feminist movement against the pill, & for... returning the consequentiality to sex." Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills.

Vance was propped up financially and politically by tech investor Peter Thiel, who has questioned whether women should have the right to vote. Thiel has also backed pseudo-intellectual Curtis Yarvin, who Vance has quoted, and who called slavery a "natural human relationship
" akin to "that of patron and client." Vance himself has floated proposals to water down the votes of women and single people by giving "parents" — mostly fathers in practice