Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Taylor Swift's Weirdness

I perform, therefore I am.

That might as well be her meaning of life. Not recording, performing in front of millions of Swifties. She's not a singer-songwriter, she's a performer. Consider these comments in 2019:

Taylor Swift says she is so worried about her safety that she carries military-grade bandages at all times.

"You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things," (2019)

She's a prepper. Preppers are weird.

"I carry QuikClot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds."

"After the Manchester Arena bombing and the Vegas concert shooting, I was completely terrified to go on tour... because I didn't know how we were going to keep three million fans safe over seven months.

"There was a tremendous amount of planning, expense and effort put into keeping my fans safe," she wrote.

One way would be not to perform, to record in studios like normal artists and release the songs, no? 

But she had to perform--for her fans, at the expense of her fans safety. That is weird logic. Of course, it is not any kind of logic but that dressed up to cover an obsessive compulsion to perform.

All the prepping didn't work. Three little girls stabbed to death in Liverpool. A planned attack thwarted by German police that led to the cancellation of her concerts there. But she must perform. It is her narcotic. Consider:

She put out a statement recently that she is "not going to speak publicly if I think doing so might provoke those who would want to harm the fans who come to my shows."

It's vague, not thought out completely for of course she does "speak publicly" in song and her lyrical speaking did attract those who meant to do her fans harm against which her store of QuikClot was not proof. So there is that same "incomplete logic". But the reference was taken widely to mean that she would not "speak publicly" in favor of Kamala Harris--to prevent harm to her fans who come to her shows.

It's obsessive. Consider:

Her current Eras Tour is unlike anything this world has ever witnessed. It started on March 17, 2023 and will last until December 8, 2024. That's 632 days. 149 shows. 149 times in 632 days she is on stage before tens of thousands performing. It's not normal, it's obsessive. It's weird. I perform, therefore I am is weird.