Friday, September 20, 2024

Couch is doing his own rally tomorrow (Saturday) night in Hershey, Pa. His own but not "solo". Tucker Carlson is appearing with Couch. In point of embarrassing fact, the event is headlined:

COUCH DOESN'T EVEN GET A MENTION!πŸ˜‚πŸ‘The seating capacity of the Giant Center is 10,500, but as you can see, about, I don't know, NYT would know better, maybe 80% is being used for this Giant event. And maybe people found out Couch is going to be there and are staying away because they're having trouble selling tix.

Even in the local paper Couch gets only second billing. It seems to me that this was an originally scheduled event for just Carlson. He, a private citizen, would charge for tickets. I am unaware that political candidates ever charged for admission. So it looks to me like this was Carlson's gig and Couch just humped on it.