Monday, September 09, 2024

"Former president Trump, why are you debating?"

By hosting a debate between an anti-democracy candidate and a pro-democracy candidate, ABC is conferring the imprimatur of legitimacy on the anti-democracy candidate. A pre-condition for this debate, for any debate, should have been acceptance of the the pre-condition of democracy.

The issue in this election is the precondition of a democracy.

And trumpie has stated many, many times that his position on the issue of democracy is that he's against it.

He wrote, just two days ago, 

"WHEN I WIN..." No "if", no contingency to the outcome, "WHEN". 

There is only one issue, democracy. Will ABC tomorrow night stay on that one issue? Or,

"Will they get bogged down in the minutiae of debates over what is the right level for a tax on unrealized capital gains?"

ABC will not stick to the one issue. It will treat trumpie as a legitimate candidate to head a democratic government and then watch "WHEN" he wins the end of Democracy in America. "I'm gaming the system" is the answer to the title question.