Wednesday, September 11, 2024


? "In Trouble", stuck on a downward slope in a sand trap, get it, get it, get it. But he's backing up. Tire tracks in front but not behind him. Rear wheels deeper in sand than front wheels. He's stuck. Looking over his shoulder, like he's parking his car. But the look on his face is fear, of someone or something pursuing him. It's unmistakable.

He's not looking at the back of the golf cart, at the wheels, he's looking at someone, something, coming at him in the distance. That's a contradiction. He was trying to get out, to pursue Kamala, but got stuck. There would be a look of frustration, of anger on his face. "Goddammit!"Kamala, the thing he fears/was pursuing, is home free. She would not be pursuing him, she'd be laughing at him, she has him right where she wants him. He had been further down, was crawling back out, was almost out and got stuck. He was further down in the polls, was crawling out and did get stuck last night. It all makes sense except the pursued look at someone on his face. 
The golf ball in the foreground, I don't know. You don't drive your golf cart into a sand trap. You park it on the fairway and approach the ball on foot. He wants to hit the ball toward that flag in the distance. The flag is listing hard left, as if in strong wind. Don't think it symbolizes political left wing. Don't know the meaning of that either. It's a bit of a confusing image.