However. It is my opinion anway that this roster AS A WHOLE is more talented than the one with JBIII. Say we were a 5 one through fifteen before, we're imo a 5.5 now. The team's recent abysmal form is, again in just my view, down to master tinkerer Spoelstra's working through the best combinations at the right times. I confess that I didn't think that this New Miami would be 1-6 at this point, but I am still convinced that if Spo has this identical roster to open next season that we will be at least to our 10-year average 45-37 record.
But that begs the point. 45-37 is not the goal. What we lack is a superstar to get us out of Middlesbrough. There is no superstar in the making on this roster. We will have to trade for, or sign one as a free agent. Riley has tried. Spiteful Joe Cronin wouldn't trade us Dame. We HAVE to get a superstar to contend for a title.