Sunday, July 30, 2006

Murder Case Photographs: #3

Murder Case Photographs: #3


Where's the dead guy? OOOhhh, that smart detective points us the right way. Otherwise we'd never have known, right? Pretty tough. Three guys standing, on their own feet too, as if their hearts are still beating and their synapses synapsing and one guy on the bed not looking so perky.

"Hey George, point at the body just so there's no doubt."???????

George, or whatever his name was, looks pissed too. "No I'm not the dead guy you moe-ron, HE (pointing) is!"

And what about George in profile. George, go to the gym much?

The guy behind George looks like he's going to cry or be sick.

And what about Shades? Looking right into the camera. Not pointing, not looking at the body. Maybe that's why George's pissed. Shades wanted to be the focus of the picture. Hey doofus, it's at night! You're indoors, take them OFF!

-Benjamin Harris

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