Sunday, July 02, 2006

Photographs of Beijing's Hutongs-The Children

Photographs of Beijing's Hutongs-The Children

I have come up with a solution to China's population problem, I WILL ADOPT ALL OF THE CHILDREN! We were utterly charmed by them all. These two little angels and the one below were our biggest heartthrobs. These two are twins (Duh). Chinese couples get around the one-child-only law by going a few months without being able to conceive and then going to a friendly M.D. who will give them fertility drugs, thus increasing the chances of multiple births. Far as I could tell that was a very good thing. Look how innocently and demurely these two little babies stand here.

We were going to an art museum this weekend day and happened onto a children's art class. You can see the other little ones in the background of this photograph. I saw these two cherubs and tried to take their picture among their classmates but they ran off squealing with embarrassment. It didn't take too much coaxing to get them to stop a minute and pose and this timeless depiction of childhood innocence and beauty was the result.

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