We have to understand our fellow man and their
perspectives; we have to take into account their
Now, to you and me, and anyone else without
a brain lesion, these are photographs of dead people.
But Red Guards have more complex thought processes
than you and me. They were the elite of the Chinese
educational system, the "morning suns" of progressive
Maoist thought.
To them these are not necessarily dead people. In the
reality which the Red Guards inhabit these folks could
all be sleeping. Yeah, see, never thought about that, did
you? That's because you're not as, how to say, erudite
as them, as they are, excuse me. Those people in the
bottom left hand corner, who's to say they aren't in
sleeping bags instead of body bags. Pshaw, we dumb
people are always jumping to conclusions.
Or they're dead people--no deceased hominids, no post-
living bipeds--but where is the evidence that they were
murdered, Huh? Perhaps they all died of heart attacks,
or from some other pre-existing medical condition, as
Dr. Weili Ye claimed was the case with Bian Zhongyun
in Carma Hinton's tour de farce Morning Sun. Were
there autopsies conducted, another salient point raised
by Weili Ye, Medical Examiner? No?
The Red Guards smell a rat, a frame-up of historical
proportions, just like that perpetrated on their own
Song Binbin. They'll get to the bottom of this, just you
wait and see. All they have to do is focus their super-
brains onto this conundrum and they'll come up with
an explanation, they'll come up with an explanation
all right, an explanation that satisfies--them. I am
Benjamin Harris.