There were three people present for the moving day incident. Only one stuck her foot so completely in her mouth as to prevent extrication.
The practical joke was very clever. The Practical Joker showed intelligence to have come up with it. He knew the Rundles. His brain processed some facts, "Kathy is attractive and sexy; She and Chris like to party and drink; they're a little wild," and he came up with a plausible scenario: "Hmm, I wonder...When they've been out partying and had a little alcohol-booze to drink and come home and begin to engage in marital intimacy... maybe Chris takes pictures of Kathy."
Chris Rundle showed intelligence. He didn't say anything, he didn't confirm or deny, he just laughed.
Only Kathy, the future chief law enforcement officer in Miami, the future head of an office of 400 lawyers, only she said something so horrifically unintelligent as to confirm beyond any doubt that such photos had been taken.
An incident like this produces contempt and derision and they have plagued Rundle throughout her career. A tin can got tied to her tail and the faster she ran to try to escape it the louder it rattled and banged.
-David Ranck