Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A Million Drops of Blood: "State Dongfeng Farm," film by Hu Jie, translation by Ye Weiyou. Part III

( Part III )

小标题 五七幹校·知識青年······

Subtitle: May 7 Cadre School & School Graduates/leavers

(Note: “May 7” : named after Mao’s Directive of 1966, he gave it on May 7th of 1966)

汪作民:文化大革命开始以后,由于适应机关斗、批、改的需要, 云南省的省级机关把它的第一五七干校设在了东风农场这个地方。

Wang Zuomin: After the start of the Cultural Revolution, to meet the needs of struggle-criticism-transformation (important tasks of the C.R.), provincial bodies of Yunnan established their first May 7 cadre school in Dongfeng Farm.


May 7 fighter: In Nov. of 1968, bodies of provincial Party committee organized a procession of a thousand people to arrive at Dongfeng Farm in vehicles.

(Note: in those years all people in the cadre schools were usually called May 7 fighters, though they were not in the army)


May 7 fighter: Then here it was called The First May 7 Cadre School of Yunnan Province.

(歌)‘办学习班是个好办法, 很多问题可以在学习班得到解决’

(Song) ‘It is a good way to run a study class, many problems can be solved in it.’ (Mao’s words in C.R.)


Liu Jiaqiang: At that time secretary general of the provincial government was transferred here, May 7 cadre school!


May 7 fighter: May 7 Road, go on that road.

刘加强: 那些干部下来后,白天强制劳动,有些重点还有人守着。

Liu Jiaqiang: Having been transferred there, those cadres were forced to do labor, some with serious problems were


汪作民: 当时的省委副书记高志国就关在原来农场的仓库里,和农场的批斗人员关在一起。

Wang Zuomin: The then deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee Gao Zhiguo was locked up in the storehouse

of the farm, together with those targets of criticism and struggle.

57战士: 干校是这样的,分为连、排、班。

May 7 fighter: Cadre schools were divided into company, platoon and team/class.

五七战士:被抓出来的这些走资派,叛徒,特务,反革命分子,这些以莫须有罪名定的罪人, 全部都要弄到农场去斗、批、改。
May 7 fighter: All the caught capitalist-roaders (people in power taking capitalist road), traitors, spies, counter-
revolutionaries---the fabricated offenders, were sent to the farm for struggle-criticism-transformation.


Liu Jiaqiang: Every evening was for criticism-struggle meeting, the offenders stood in line.

汪作民: 他们也批判、斗争、游街。游街的时候我们也看到,比如,知名的作家赵季康,《五朵金花》的编剧,他挂个牌子。

Wang Zuomin: They were also criticized, struggled and paraded through streets. We saw them when

they were paraded. For instance, the well-known writer Zhao Jikang, screenwriter of

<<>> , was tied with a plate on his neck.


May 7 fighter: Tied with a big plate, noted differently according to what you were: capitalist-roader, traitor, etc.

However big a plate, it was just tied with a wire on the victim’s neck. We all did such things.

李泽衡: 我跟那个《五朵金花》的赵季康一样的去游街。我们的街不是什么街,就是农场的场部。从长塘子游到场部是两公里,就从那转一大圈敲着锣,我们没有锣,就是敲铜盆。说自己是牛鬼蛇神,反党反社会主义的牛鬼蛇神。自己咒骂自己。你要是叫的轻,后面的脚就蹬过来了。为了减少皮肉之苦,你只要叫。
Li Zeheng: Together with Zhao Jikang, the screenwriter of <>, I was also paraded through streets,

but ours was not a real street, just the farm headquarters. It was two kilos’ parading fromChangtangzi to the headquarters. Having no gong, we had to strike brass basin in the parade saying that we were monsters and demons, all kinds of anti-Party and socialism class enemies, cursing ourselves. If your voice was low, the feet would strike you from behind. So, to lessen the physical pain, you had to shout loud.


May 7 fighter: In the period of struggle-criticism-transformation, three leading cadres were driven there, among them one was Wang Dian, minister of Publicity Ministry, another was vice-president of Party school Liang Weizhou.


May 7 fighter: All the way they were struggled and beaten, beaten dead alive, simply beaten dead alive.


May 7 fighter: Which person did not want to show how revolutionary he/she was (in the beating)?

May 7 fighter: They were beaten dead just in the Dongfeng Farm.


Zhao Hanke: There was no policy in mass-dictatorship.


May 7 fighter: In that period when we saw rightists, they dared not raise head to look at us. Among them two were my old

colleagues. I said : “I looked for you everywhere but why no see?” Later, going to the farm fair, she said: “when seeing you from distance, I hid myself far. How dared we look at you? What kind of people we were in your eyes!”


Hu Jie asked: When you saw May 7 fighters, did they greet you?



Wang Zuomin: No, none of them did. At that time relationship between people was quite tense and who would have

wished for trouble? Usually, we rightists seldom talked to each other, only those familiar living in the same

room did a bit talking, but did not talk to those of other teams. (23/7, Thur.)

冯永琪:早上先唱大海航行靠舵手,唱完后就是早请示,他们是跪着,而且有些人还要叫他们披上麻布,他们怎么能够像我们站着早请示晚汇报,跪一排啊 !我们连队就和他们右派连队隔的不远啊。就东风农场那个地方,有上千的干部是五七战士,还有这么多的右派啊。早上请示他们得跪着请示,晚上的汇报跪着汇报。还有经常听到打的啊啊的叫喊哭。那时候最喜欢对右派采取的比如:你打了牛了,这就是右派阶级斗争的新动向。你发明个打牛,在牛身上出气是吗?!发泄你的仇恨, 你的不满。明天又是哪的花生被偷了一点,他们太惨了,挖点花生吃,也是阶级斗争新动向。谁偷的,谁就被吊着斗。其余所有的人都上来批啊打啊,

Feng Yongqi: In the morning was the song (referring to Mao), after that was ‘morning for instruction’ (studying the teaching in Mao’s works). They (the victims) did that kneeling and some people ordered them to put on sackcloth. How could they do the ‘morning for instruction’ and ‘evening report (usually criticizing oneself to Mao’s portrait) in standing way like us? A line of them kneeling! Our company was not far from that of rightists. Just in the place of the farm, about thousand of cadres were May 7 fighters, along with so many rightists. While kneeling for ‘morning instruction’ and ‘evening report’ they were often heard crying from the beating. The most usual way to treat the rightists was: when they hit a cattle, it was thought of new trends of class struggle----you create a way to vent your anger on cattle, vent your hostility, your dissatisfaction----.

And the next day some peanuts were found stolen…they were so miserable. To get a few peanuts to eat

was considered new movement of class struggle. He who stole peanuts was to be struggled by hanging, while all the rest went up to criticize and beat him.


Xie Chuanbao: We were production supervisor with plate tied on our neck.


Wang Yuanqing: Everyday I carried a big plate on neck with the words---stubborn-to-death rightist.


May 7 fighter: The whole cadre school was like that, just with an occasional evening party, everlasting typical operas,

other songs nobody dared sing.


Hu Tongzeng: What kind of people were lashed the most? Among us fellow sufferers, it was those whose labels of rightist

were cast off in early stage.


Xie Chuanbao: They had a bit unbridled behavior thinking that with the label removed/cast off, they were already among the

people, not enemies.


Hu Tongzeng: They thought that they could get a complete redress/rehabilitation.


Xie Chuanbao: With troops getting to the farm, they were administered by the army men.


Wang Zuomin: Lin Biao (Vice Party Chairman during the C.R.) advanced preparation for war, probably it was the need of Lin’s instruction, the state-run farms in agricultural reclamation field got reorganized to military reclamation

i.e. Production and Construction Corps of PLAC (People’s Liberation Army of China) Dongfeng Farm in Mile county was reorganized to Yunnan Production and Construction Corps, 17th regiment of 4th division in March of 1970. The former farm headquarters changed to regiment’s and the original production team became company and the former production team head became company commander, the former agricultural workers became fighters. But, what did those become whose rightist labels were removed? They became staff and workers while those with labels became non-permanent staff. Non-permanent, but they had to work.


May 7 fighter: The ‘struggle-criticism-transformation’ went on for over two years.


Wu Deben: Around over one or two years, school graduates were transferred there. (24/7, Fr.)

(上海 唱歌):我们都是来自五湖四海,为了一个共同的革命目标走到一起来了。

(Shanghai Singing) We come from all corners of the land, for a common revolutionary objective we’ve come together.

季志刚:(上海知青 )在那个年代,像我们学校刚刚毕业,你必须要走这条路,接受贫下中农再教育,你不去也不行,不去上海有很多工作组,敲锣打鼓到你家做思想工作。

Ji Zhigang: (school leaver from Shanghai) In those years, we fresh school graduates had to go that way, to receive reeducation from the poor and lower-middle peasants. It was impossible to refuse since in Shanghai there were many work teams that came to your house for ideological persuasion with drums and gongs.


Liu Jiaqiang: School leavers came mainly from Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Beijing, 1,500 people.


Zhao Hanke: The school leavers stayed with us for 10 years, they came in 1970.


Liu Jiaqiang: It was understandable that the school graduates were got there to receive reeducation since the farm itself was

a unit for thought reform.

金雅美:(上海知青 ):火车汽笛一叫的时候,那心里离家的感觉,大家都,那时,场景也是很悲的,我们都流眼泪了,我们做了两夜三天的火车到了昆明。

Jin Yamei : (school leaver from Shanghai) While the steam whistle rang, our feelings for leaving home…oh, quite sad, we

shed tears. We got to Kunmin by train in two nights and three days.


Headmaster Yang: With the school leavers coming, it was much more exciting. And they vented their anger on the rightists,

the local rich farmers and the landlords.

金雅美:(上海知青 )农场盖了很多新房子,专门给我们知青住的,我们知青住的比较集中,都在新房子里。

Jin Yamei: Many new houses were built in the farm specially for us school leavers, so we lived relatively closer, all in

the new houses. (25/7, Sat.)


Zhao Hanke: Those who came were production and construction corps made up of school leavers, but the political cadres having come to the company were all servicemen. -----------------


Jin Yamei: Due to the educational atmosphere in the farm, we school leavers were often told how bad they (rightists) were, that kind of teaching the farm gave us was quite much.


Liu Jiaqiang: Many school leavers wrote a letter in their own blood for the reeducation from the poor and lower-middle peasants and the oath we wrote to strike root all their life in the countryside was one after another.


Wu Deben: During the Cultural Revolution the rightists were taken as one of the five kinds of people: landlords, rich farmers, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, and rightists. Those five kinds of people were the target of class struggle.


Jin Yamei: Then, after learning about those things, such a concept was quite clear in our mind.


Wu Deben: To grasp revolution was to promote production, but how to do it?


Jin Yamei: Before each spring plowing, we had to keep class struggle as the key link and got a few typical rightists

for criticism and struggle.


Wu Deben: It was necessary to catch some landlords, rich farmers, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and

rightists for struggle.


Jin Yamei: With the class struggle as the key link, your spring plowing could be done well, if not, out of the question.


Wu Deben: After struggle it was to promote production, to have production stired.


Jin Yamei: It was such a situation then, such a background. It was the same with our company, with the whole farm

that several struggle meetings were needed for spring plowing.


Sun Zichuan: The second battalion would start a struggle meeting.


Jin Yamei: Those rightists were used to it that by spring lowing a few rightists would be dragged there for struggle.


Sun Zichuan: Hearing the order “Bind him”, the two school leavers did not move. So the man who ordered approached in

person and tied me up. After being tied up, I said: “your action is against the policy.” At this, he went up again and clapped me a few times, saying: “ What policy, what policy?!”


Jin Yamei: Whenever you did whatever wrong thing, he would take that as the reason for you to be struggled at a meeting.

孙梓川;送到二营,到了地方,就看到有7、8 个人排队都是右派,就上来一个四川重庆的知识青年,这个人现在我还记得名字,叫白占华。

Sun Zichuan: When sent to the second battalion, we saw seven or eight people in a line, all rightists. At this, a school leaver from Chongqing (Sichuan province) went up. I still remember his name, Bai Zhanhua.


Wang Zuomin: When thinking any words you said wrong, he would criticize you saying: “ Our great leader Chairman Mao

teaches us: all the counter-revolutionaries, all poison weeds must be criticized.


Jin Yamei: Every company were sitting there row after row with a desk in the front. When it was his turn, the rightist

had to stand on the desk, head lowering, and sometimes with two people escorting. (27/7, Mon.)

汪作民: “革命不是请客吃饭…”,他读这一段,这个他马上可以斗争你了,打你了“跪下来!”

Wang Zuomin: “Revolution is no invitation to dinner…” he read aloud that paragraph (in the quotation of Mao’s works)

With this, he had the right to struggle against you, beat you. “ Kneel down!”


Sun Zichuan: They went up to clap you, one after another, from the first to the last person, then gave you a kick, that was

the class struggle.


Jin Yamei: We school leavers had relatively high political treatment, but the atmosphere gave us a sense of terror.


Wu Deben: He said: “ I will give you a lesson today.”


Jin Yamei: We did not call it white terror but always thought you had to do it anyway.

Wu Deben: “You do not yet understand the rightists’ mistakes, so I must give you a lesson.”


Jin Yamei: You were in the farm, in that situation, you had to do though you did not want to. There was so much land

in the company, seedlings had to be transplanted. They always had some way to have it done.

吴德本:因为我被捆起来了,他就从我背后一拳 ,打得我,我就向前倒下去了。

Wu Deben: Since I was tied, he gave me a punch on my back, which sent me fall.


Jin Yamei: We had more than 2,000 rice/paddy fields in our company. Spring plowing season was very short, so we had to

fight bravely for a month so as to by all means transplant all seedlings.


Wu Deben: I fell down to the edge of his desk, which made my three teeth drop.


Jin Yamei: In the whole period of spring plowing we school leavers went through great hardships which we had never

had in the past.


Wu Deben: The blood gushed out to all over my coat and mouth.


Jin Yamei: It was “go all out in the red May”, the whole company was aroused high and low.


Wu Deben: Not yet satisfied, he grasped my hair and made me kneel on the ground a few times running, a tuft of my hair

pulled down.


Jin Yamei: Besides the gathering for making oath, mobilizing and criticizing-struggling, all the victims were mustered

from every corner.


Wu Deben: He said: “ Let him go” and the two hatchet men did so. After that he said: “ Go back for a good introspection

and write it on paper.


Jin Yamei: On the other hand, we school leavers were educated through the admission of the Party and the Youth

League which we called joining the Party and the Youth league at the battlefront, more education from that.


Wu Deben: In Dongfeng Farm, people with similar events like mine were quite many.

徐鸿康:(上海知青 )这是我们最早的一张照片,1972年6月15号,东方农场,我才17岁,

Xu Hongkang: (school leaver from Shanghai) This is the earliest picture of us, June 15, 1972, Dongfeng Farm, I was 17.

徐夫人:(上海知青 )我们俩个经常接触,被他们看到像捉贼,看到了就不得了,我们俩这时认识了,在谈朋友,现在说谈朋友,我们经常在一起,他就说:我们乱搞男女关系。就给我们戴坏分子的帽子。

Mrs. Xu: (school leaver from Shanghai) We two often got in touch with each other, and when seen by them, we felt as if being caught like thieves, serious problem. We became known and dated. We were often together, and he (a leader) said that we acted recklessly in man-woman relationship/sex, thus, a label of bad elements was put on us.


Jin Yamei: Apart from labor, there was evening political study---study of the quotation of Mao’s works and something

on politics.

徐鸿康:(上海知青 )共产党的本事大在哪里?大在就那么一点,不知右派给你谈过没有,你没帽子给你加顶帽子,你头上没角给你加个角,屁股上没尾巴给你装条尾巴,就这么整你,

Xu Hongkang: (school leaver from Shanghai) Where is CP’ s great ability shown? Actually, just a little, I wonder if rightists

have told you about it, for example, when you have no cap, they put one on you, if you have no horn, they give you one, seeing you have no tail on buttocks, they fix one for you, just attack you this way.


Mrs. Xu: I also had the time being tied and beaten by them, locked in the storehouse, storehouse of grain.


Jin Yamei: School leavers were attacked severely as well.


Xu Hongkang: In the then situation, in fear of being unable to return to Shanghai, we dared not get married formally, so we merely lived together/cohabited, but they did not accept that and blamed us for reckless action in sex.


Jin Yamei: The man in charge of defense beat the school leavers so bad that it made them confess to false charges under torture. You had to confess, otherwise they would go on beating.


Mrs. Xu: It was all the army men, company commanders or the like. All the bad things were done and directed by the army men/servicemen, they directed the fellow villagers to do.

徐鸿康: 1972年,12月29号,整个东风农场,整个东风农场,开宣判大会,宣判我和我老婆两个人,当时的罪名是,一个是乱搞男女关系,一个是小偷小摸。

Xu hongkang: On Dec.29, 1972, in the whole Dongfeng Farm there was a announcing-judgment gathering on which my wife and I were charged with, firstly, reckless action in sex, secondly, theft.


Jin Yamei: While having a rest after a meal, we walked past a meeting room and there we saw a school leaver tied up to

roof beam down-headed, his name was Xu Hongkang.

季志刚:(上海知青 )你知道五花大绑是怎么绑的,拿着一个绳子往肩膀上一搭,然后把绳子绕起来,绕起来,不是和电视上演的一样吗? 然后绳子一收。

Ji Zhigang: (school leaver from Shanghai) “Do you know how to do wuhuadabang? It is placing a rope on the victim’s shoulder, then coiling the rope up and up around the body and finally drawing the rope in.


Xu Hongkang: It is simple just to tie you that way, no need to beat you, but can you bear it? I tell you, if bound tight, in half

an hour, you will lose consciousness.


Jin Yamei: If hanged that way on and on, he would die. After a discussion with the school leavers for a meeting, we ran to the guard platoon of the company. Having knocked the door, we said that they could handle whatever offence he had made, but should not hang him that way for it would make him die. Later, thinking of our opinion, the platoon leader told a few militias to put him down from the roof beam.


Xu Hongkang: Look at my hand, it was bound by the rope and that guy was guarding me.


JI Zhigang: I watched him with a gun.


Xu Hongkang: Look at my hands, one thick and one thin.

武贵英:(重庆知青 )把那个棕绳啊,用水浸泡,泡过以后再绑,让绳子慢慢慢慢的干,就越勒越紧。

Wu Guiying: (school leaver from Chongqing, Sichuan province) First soak the coir rope in water and then use it to bind,

letting the rope dry bit by bit and the strap will grow tighter and tighter.


Xu Hongkang: Bound there for fifteen days on end, no sleep, I stood all day long.


Jin Yamei: When placed down, he could not get his hands normal, still at the back. Later he was given a little water to drink

but the bowl was sort of broken.


Xu Hongkang: Wang Zemin in our company was an old rightist majoring in medicine in the army. Later I got well after he gave me an injection and medicine.


Jin Yamei: Anyway, there was still a bit water in the sort of broken bowl, but he could not reach for it with hands. Tied up for so long, very thirsty, he put his head into the half-broken bowl for drinking. We saw that so sad, he did not look like a person, something like a livestock.


Xu Hongkang: When thinking back, I really (crying), I seldom shed tears, how sad I was when I reviewed that.


Mrs. Xu: I was enclosed with pigs, a room apart, living with pigs. I had no way out either, what way could I have? I was a

‘bad element’! We two---with an embryo. It was quite risky to give birth by myself. At that time nobody

was there, and I dared not go to hospital and had no money for that. So I gave birth to the child in secret since fortunately, I happened to know the doctor of the battalion.


Mrs. Xu: Late at night he (my husband) went to knock at the doctor’s door, saying: “ Oh, doctor, sorry to bother you, but you see, my wife is to give birth soon. Please do not tell this to others…” I quietly asked him to keep silent about that.


Xu Hongkang: My pleading made the doctor quite tense. I said “by all means help us out”


Mrs. Xu: At that time we thought of giving the baby away after it was born.


Xu Hongkang; He(the doctor) was also able to deliver, so he came just at the time my wife was having her baby soon.


Mrs. Xu: As all infants will cry, I feared that time, very much. I covered it with a quit but dared not cover its head. We just covered it there, no other way. Let it be born. And later everyone got to know about that and it

spread widely that I gave birth to a baby. Yes, I did, so what?

问: 这就你是吧?
Question: This is you, yes?


Jin Yamei: Yes.

问: 你在指着什么呢?

Question: What were you pointing to? (28/7, Tue.)


Jin Yamei: Pointing to a large tract of land in our farm. From 1974 I was promoted to deputy secretary of Party committee and I remained in that position till my leaving. In that period, even if I went down to companies, I just walked on ridges, looking around. That kind of life was much easier/better. There was a militia class in every company, in every branch of the farm there was a militia company. What was it called then? It was called ‘every citizen a soldier’ . In that period the whole farm was a militia regiment.


(singing) If the army and the people are united as one, who in the world can match them?” (Mao’s words)


Sun zichuan: It was later changed to construction corps and the cadres from the corps had problems.


Mrs. Xu: The worst were the servicemen/army men.

Xu Hongkang: All the bad things were done by the army men.

Mrs. Xu: The servicemen themselves did us school leavers, making girls pregnant. He himself acted recklessly in sex and

in turn, he should have attacked you!


Sun Zichuan: Many female youngsters were raped by them.


(singing) We communists are like seeds while people are like land. When arriving somewhere, we should integrate with

the people there. (Mao’s words)


Wang Yuanqing: More school leavers from Shanghai were raped for they looked comparatively tender and lovely.


Wang Yuanqing: From secretaries to team leaders, all of them stopped at nothing in doing evil.


Jin Yamei: The only way out for us was to behave better so that the farm could permit you to leave, the only way was that. There was one in our company whose name was Zhao Fuyun, a man with large eyes. It was said then that in the toilet he used a newspaper the back of which happened to be a portrait of Chairman Mao. He was later shut up, very pitiful, beaten severely, locked in a small room. There was a special class called militia class and that class

did simply that kind of things.


Zhao Fuyun: I was locked up for a long time. Later when spring came, they proposed that I do labor and thus released me for that. The long time being locked up made my hair and beard quite long, I looked like a ghost. What happened then? They used the water in a thermos and directly poured it out on my head, so hot!

问: 为什么要给你浇到头上?
Question: Why did they pour it on your head?


Zhao Fuyun: “pour, to give you a haircut.”


Jin Yamei: He was escorted to toilet and to meals.


Zhao Fuyun: Actually I was merely not attacked to death, but they thought of every means to attack me.

赵妻: 我怕他出问题在里边嘛。当时搞那个运动,死的人很多,就是受不了他那个东西,把他吊在大梁上,开斗争会。我带着孩子,背着一个抱着一个,旁边坐着老大,就坐在第一排,就看着他还吊在梁上,有的就受不了,呀,我受不了就承认。但是,他不承认,他死都不承认。

Zhao’s wife: I worried that something would happen to him since he was shut in. In the movement then many people died, simply because of being unable to endure those tortures. He was suspended to the big roof beam, together with struggle meetings for him. I took care of our kids, carrying one on back and holding one with arms. My older kid was just sitting by me, in the first row, watching him hanged there on the roof beam. Some victims could not endure that, saying: “ Oh, I can not stand it, I confess (what they in fact did not do)…” But he did not yield, at the risk of his death.


Jin Yamei: He got a wife from the past school leavers.


School leaver: Ah, an old school leaver, I did not know.


Jin Yamei: Yes, she was an old school leaver.


个,喜欢嘛, 就是这样就结婚了。我家里都反对。

Zhao’s wife: We got married. I just felt that he, a man from the Northeast, came from so far an area, having no one to turn to, so poor to be alone. Actually I had sort of sympathy, felt sorry for him, and, that kind of feelings…. One word, I liked him and thus got married, though all my family were against it. (29/7, Wed)