( Part IV)
问: 你今年几岁啦?
Question: How old are you?
Zhao’s granddaughter: Eight and a half.
问: 八岁半。爷爷过去的故事给你讲过吗?
Question: Eight and a half. Were you told the stories of your grandfather in his past?
Zhao’s granddaughter: I know just a bit part.
问: 哪一小点呢?
Question: Which is the bit part?
Zhao’s granddaughter: It is of my grandpa’s being attacked and locked up.
Zhao Fuyun: It was because that she sometimes listened to and remembered what she heard, just fragmented, not a whole.
金雅美: 一个民兵的钥匙掉到后面的粪坑里头,后来就叫那个姓赵的,跳到那个粪坑去帮他找那个钥匙。跳到粪坑里找钥匙,把钥匙再拿上来。
Jin Yamei: A militia’s key dropped to the manure pit at the back, later a man named Zhao was told to jump into the pit
to help him look for the key and get it out.
Zhao’s granddaughter: How could the then persons have tortured people like my grandpa? Anyway they are all human being.
Zhao’s wife: They made him Labor outdoors, he (Zhao) said, when unable to bear the torture, he simply wished to kill two of them, worthy of dying ( I one, but they two) he kept thinking that way.
Jin Yamei: Zhao Fuyun was shut there. And she (Zhao’s wife) had to take care of two small children, often left them by themselves, she had to carry water and go to work in the field. With the youngest child on her back in cloth, she went for meals…Oh, the days were really….They were indeed strong back-boned, so strong a character she had so that she could have endured the hardships.
赵妻: 我就为了他这一点。有一天送饭的时候,送饭,里边放上汤,头天晚上就拿一个小纸条,拿那铅笔削的尖尖的,写的那个字很小很
Zhao’s wife: Just for his case. One day taking the advantage of bringing meal to him, I put in the soup a slip of paper wrapped in plastic. I tied it with thread and put it in the rice along with soup, all made the night before. On the paper I wrote with very pointed pencil: “Do hold on. When you despair, just think of your children and your wife.” I simply wrote those words.
李泽衡:这个是仓库,开斗争会就把这个门打开。所有的右派分子、劳改释放犯、知青全部集中在这里面, 坐到里面去批斗。仓库这些标语是我写的,(大批修正主义)这是我写的。我们在这个房子里面被打,那不是说可以申辩,随便人家怎么打。那个时候生命力还特别强。不知道怎么又恢复起来了。
Li Zeheng: This was the warehouse the door of which was opened at struggle meetings. All the rightists, discharged prisoners and school leavers were all gathered there sitting for criticism and struggle. The slogans in the warehouse were written by me---Great Criticism of Revisionism--- we were beaten in the room without the right to defend ourselves, just let them beat us at their will. In those days our vitality was pretty great and, without notice, we got recovered.
Xu Hongkang: I often said to my wife: “Do not fear, you see the sun everyday and this is the hope, sooner or later it will prove if on earth we are bad elements…” So that was the way I persuaded my wife and encouraged her to live on.
武贵英:当时对这种辩别也很没有这种辨别能力,只是在长期的劳动当中,就是慢慢的就发现,这些人好像有文化,但是 好像又不像领导说的这样坏。
Wu Guiying: At that time we had little ability to distinguish, it was only through the long-time labor we gradually found that those people (rightists) seemed to be literate, and did not look like so bad as the leaders said.
金雅美:在思想最悲观的时候,在想家的时候, 那些右派来劝我们。但他们有时候也有一种顾忌,怎么怕连队干部知道,怕连队干部(说):你们去腐蚀知青,给他们戴这种帽子。
Jin Yamei: During the time that we were the most pessimistic and the most homesick, the rightists would come to comfort us, but sometimes they had some worry that the company leaders would know about it and say that they corroded the school leavers, they feared that label.
Wu Guiying: They indeed, in a bad-sounding word as he said, looked like draught animals able to speak, but never did they get any chance to speak.
Jin Yamei: Once I joined in the investigation of the rightists’ cases and found they were so wronged. Some of them were labeled rightists just because of saying a few words. At an earlier time, we read that the above encouraged them to speak, thus, someone mentioned that laymen should not lead experts, just for those words he was later attacked as a rightist.
(singing) Army flag fluttering in the wind, fighting song being loud and clear, revolutionary fighters have high moral.
In the direction of Mao Zedong thought, we are path breakers in “Criticism of Lin Biao and Confucius, with one hand holding a pen, another holding a gun. (Lin B. was vice Party Chairman before Sept. 13 Event)
Wang Zuomin: After Sept. 13th Event, Lin Biao Event, was revealed, all the people changed, having seen through everything. So there was peaceful coexistence among rightists----Oh, sham!(everything we were told by the above was false)
Zhao Hanke: The Cultural Revolution struck us awaken.
Wang Zuomin: In Sept. of 1974, production and construction corps revoked and it again was resumed to farm, still a farm belonging to the local wasteland reclaiming system.
Wu Guiying: In 1975 and 1976 the political atmosphere became less serious, a bit relaxed. (1/8, Sat.)
Zhang Haibo: Not long after Deng Xiaoping came back to political life, some of his policies got criticized again. During the great criticism of him, we felt that his policies were just what we longed for.
Zhao Hanke: To put it in a plain way, if the ‘god’(referring to Mao) did not go up to heaven, we could not get out of hell.
Li Zeheng: In 1977 Mao was already dead, Hua Guofeng succeeded him as the top leader.
Jin Yamei: With the turn in the two-line struggle, we were attacked as the like of the ‘Gang of Four’(Mao’s widow Jiang Qing and three other high officials) and thus were locked up here. At that time two girls watched me, following me everywhere: to toilet and to dinning room, without any minute break.
Jin Yamei: Three months. In the three months I sat there, calmly reviewing my past life.
( explanation in the documentary) On May 10th of 1978, an article was published on the ‘Trends in Theory’, a magazine run by the Central Committee of CCP School. On 11th, the article was published on Guangming Daily in the name of a specially-invited commentator. That article totally negated the “two so long” and hence it aroused throughout the country a hot discussion about the criterion of truth. That hot discussion promoted a nation-wide ideological emancipation, which prepared the condition of ideology for the opening of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CCP. In 1978, the Central Committee of CCP approved removing the political label for all rightists.
[Note: the “two so long”]---we must do everything so long as it was said by Chairman Mao and we should not change anything so long as it was decided by Chairman Mao. That “two so long” was proposed by Hua Guofeng, Mao-decided successor after his death, and Wang Dongxing, one of the ultra-Left top officials)
Wang Zuomin: On May 4th of 1978, on some document of the Central Committee of CCP there was issue that the Party approves of removing all the labels put on rightists, rich farmers, landlords and bad elements. Zhao Hanke and I got our label cast off at that time.
(纪录片解说):12月18日至22日 中国共产党第十一届中央委员会第三次全体会议在北京召开。十一届三中全会冲破长期左的错误的严重束缚,做出了实行改革开放的战略决策。全会决定停止使用“以阶级斗争为纲”的口号。中共十一届三中全会以后,从中央到地方都按照实事求是有错必纠的原则,加快了平反冤假错案的步伐。
( explanation in the documentary) From Dec. 18th to 22nd, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CCP was held in Beijing. That session broke off the grave fettering from the long-time Left deviation, made a strategic decision to reform and open to the outside world. The session decided to stop using the slogan “ keep class struggle as the key link” (Mao’s directive). After that session, from the center to the localities, they all quickened the step in redressing mishandled cases and grievances on the principle of ‘seeking truth from the facts and correcting all errors’
(胡耀邦 中共中央党校副校长 中央组织部部长)
(Hu Yaobang Deputy president of the Central Committee of CCP School)
Wang zuomin: But, since Chairman Mao once said: Rightists get rehabilitated only after being screened. From 1978-1979 handling rightists was neither screening nor redressing but reexamining/checking. Through the checking, most of them were wronged, so they got the correction, which was not called rehabilitation. Then, after 21 years till the beginning of 1977, all the rightists began to leave the farm in January. I myself left the farm on Jan. 20th.
Wu Deben: We left the farm in 1978 when we had already reaped over 2,500,000, close to 3,000,000 kilograms of rice.
Wang zuomin: After checking the real rightists were actually totally wronged. It was a historical joke, quite big a joke.
( Document of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee: Notice of Redressing the Wrong Case <<>>) (2/8, Sun.)
张 路: 省委组织部我不回去啦。那是一个整人的窝。每一次运动来就是整人,我不敢回去啦。我到检查院。
Zhang Lu: I would not return to the organizational department of provincial Party committee which was a lair/den of attacking people. In each movement their task was attacking people, so I dared not get back and turned to procuratorate.
Jin Yamei: And we school leavers also felt happy for them, anyway, their wronged cases got redressed in their life.
Sun Zichuan: People said we all caught cancer, one was ‘cadre’(liver) cancer, one ‘head’ (bowels) cancer.
[Note: the two words in quotation marks are homonymic in Chinese]
Jin Yamei: So much injustice they suffered, and now with an unexpected rehabilitation they could hardly express their feelings in words. Some of them drank and some had get-together. (for celebration)
Sun zichuan: Isn’t the twenty-one years quite long? We had just endured, without any cent paid.
Hu Tongzeng: While we began to leave the farm there were quite many so-called activists who were very dissatisfied with our rehabilitation and reinstatement.
Zhao Hanke: Previously we proposed building a tablet for the dead, but did not think of what kind of tablet.( wasteland reclaimation)
刘加强:我这一生在这个农场,实际上是在这批人中,在他们的教育下长大的, 就想为这批老同志树一个碑,
Liu Jiaqiang: I grew up in the farm, in fact, grew up among those people (victims), under their education, so I wanted to set up a table for those old people.
胡同增:立这个拓荒碑赵汉科有功劳, 为什么呢?农场发现了一个深井地下水,这个水作为矿泉水质量是一流的。
Hu Tongzeng: Zhao Hanke made contribution in building the table of reclaiming wasteland. Why? In the farm a deep-water well was discovered and the water was top-classed mineral water.
刘加强:我1990年任党委书记和场长, 我就着手这个纪念碑的设想,作为这个拓荒碑的设计呢,一个是要缅怀和追悼倒在这块土地上的人,被打死 被斗死的这两百人,
Liu Jiaqiang: In 1990 at the post of secretary of the Party committee and the farm head, I set about thinking of the tablet. As for its design, on one hand we must cherish the memory of and mourn the two hundred people who fell on that land, beaten and struggled to death.
Hu Tongzeng: Wishing to develop the mineral water, they asked Zhao Hanke to attract business and draw funds for them. Zhao was accountant for a tobacco company and knew relatively many capitalists, so he got busy about fund raising.
Zhao Hanke: At the beginning people gave many opinions: was it permitted to build a tablet? Permitted?
Liu Jiaqiang: At that time I had pressure. As a secretary of the Party committee, I should be responsible for the Party’s history. That tablet must be approved by those writing the history of the Party, by the old comrades, including the ‘Left’ and also by the rebels (of the C.R). So, I chose a neuter word, reclamation of wasteland. (2/8, Sun.)
Wang Zuomin: Why we went down (to the farm) was not to reclaim wasteland, but to make a breakthrough in the thinking of wasteland reclamation.
Liu Jiaqiang: Since our Party has never reversed a verdict in the issue of rightists, merely admitted scope-broadening.
汪作民:你看(《云南农垦》杂志)关于东风农场它是什么:1958年起,22年以阶级斗争为纲,以粮为主,多种经营。 我们是阶级斗争的产物,没有阶级斗争就不可能有我们,而拓荒是生产活动,处理我们的时候没有提到什么拓荒不拓荒。
Wang Zuomin: Look what the magazine <> said about Dongfeng Farm: For twenty-two years since 1958, they have kept class struggle as the key link, kept grain as the dominant crops, and put multiple management into practice. We were the result of class struggle, no class struggle, no we, and to reclaim wasteland was production activity.
刘加强:正面的塑像应当把知识青年放在前面,因为知识青年最单纯,知识青年实际上也是历史的受害者。背面这块雕塑呢,被错划为右派分子的科学家、老教授。这幅反映了一大批刚刚大学 毕业的大学生。才一毕业就被划成右派,那么这批人在农场二十一年,知识青年在农场十年。他们形成了一种精神。那么这种精神也是我们中华民族一种勤劳、包容、忍耐。一种精神。
Liu Jiaqiang: Statues of school leavers should be in the front of the façade for they are the simplest, and actually they are also victims in history. On the back sculpture are the scientists, old professors who were wrongly labeled rightists. This statue portraits a great number of fresh college graduates who were labeled rightists just as they left school and stayed in the farm for twenty-one years. High school leavers stayed in the farm for ten years. All those people formed a spirit. And that spirit is also our Chinese nation’s spirit of industriousness, tolerance and endurance.
Wang Zuomin: What we want is not this kind of monument,but the hope that our people really draw a lesson of the anti-rightists movement in 1957 and sincerely implement freedom of speech in our constitution, no prisoner of thought and no prisoner of speech.
(奥运会解说): 绚丽的烟火,绽放出古老的中国最灿烂的表情,这份喜悦属于奥运的北京。此刻我们看到了现代字体的和,一个和字,荏苒千年,发展变化。表达了孙子人文理念和为贵,彰显出中华民族和谐观, 历史悠久, 传统优良。
(Caption of the Olympics) Gorgeous fireworks burst the most splendid expression of ancient China, this joy belongs to Beijing in Olympics. Right now we see the modern form of Chinese character ‘Harmony’. This word has elapsed quickly thousand of years, developed and changed. It expresses Sunzi’s (Chinese philosopher) logic of human studies ‘harmony is valuable’ and obviously shows the Chinese nation’s view of harmony, long history and fine traditions.
Sun Zichuan: If, according to the harmonious society we are talking about today, the Central Committee of the Party should handle from harmony, they would give us some harmonious compensation.
胡同增:有一个人叫袁佳梁 ,公然的就跟我们说,你们还想离开农场,没那么好事,莫做梦,如果真有一天你们能够离开农场了,老子拿手板心煎鸡蛋给你们送行。这是他的原话,多少人听见的。
Hu Tongzeng: A person named Yuan Jialiang, should have said to me openly: “You want to leave the farm? No such a good thing! Do not dream. If someday you could really leave the farm, I would fry eggs in my palm to see you off.” That is his original words which many people have heard.
Caption of the Olympics) In the center of type case there appears a character ‘harmony’ in ancient scrip of China.
Sun Zichuan: Now it is not merely I myself, but over one million family members connected with ( the rightists) have complaint.
Xie Chuanbao: It was Feb.2nd of 1979 that the county Party committee sent for a car to drive me to Mengzi. Asked for my will, I expressed the wish to work in educational circles and they allocated me to a teachers’ vocational study school. And my Party membership was reinstated.
Sun Zichuan: I have been baffled since the beginning of the anti-rightists movement.
Xie Chuanbao: The Party organization still recognized me as a communist.
Sun Zichuan: At the time to redress my case, file opened, there was nothing written in it.
Xie Chuanbao: With my Party membership reinstated, I paid a 21-year overdue party membership dues.
Sun Zichuan: Above 95% of rightists got a divorce but my wife expected me for twenty-one years, miserably, firmly and unshakably.
Xie Chuanbao: The committee member in charge of organizational work Yuan Weixiang did not accept my money, saying: “We are reluctant to take your party membership dues.” Once and again he showed that he dared not accept the money. I said: “ Do not worry, you just take it, for this is token of my regard .”
问: 为什么这样呢?
Question: For what?
解传宝:我当时是这样想, 既然你们给我改正了,我就认为这二十一年我还是正常地在党组织的教育下,尽管它是过左一些,手段比较恶劣些,但是,我还在党的温暖的怀抱里面度过。尽管他们恶作剧,打我、捆我、吊我,但是我对这个共产主义信念,我说总是有一天要恢复到党的这个本质,党的有错就纠嘛,党一再教导,有错就纠,批评自我批评,自己有错误要审查到自己的错误,要改正嘛,勇于改正嘛,党都是倡导嘛,任何时候都是像这样嘛。所以我相信这么大的党,这么大的一件事情,到了时候它会改正的。我还是相信。
Xie Chuanbao: Then I thought: since you redressed my case, I believed that in the past twenty-one years I still lived normally with the party’s inculcation though it was a bit ultra-Left, its means was a bit too dirty, anyway, I still spent my time in its warm embrace. Though they played prank/mischief, beat me, bound me, hanged me, I still believed in communism. I said that sooner or later this party’s intrinsic quality would return to normal. Our Party has always been teaching us to correct any mistakes, to practice criticism and self-criticism. One should introspect his own mistakes and correct them bravely. The Party has initiated that. So I had been sure that such a big party, for such a serious thing (rightists), there would be a time for it to correct its own mistakes. I still have faith.
According to official sources:
There are 552,877 people in the country that were labeled rightists
According to the secret-revealed dossier of the Central Committee of the Party:
There are altogether 3,178,470 people were labeled rightists
Another 1,437,562 people were labeled middle-rightists
(quoted from Guo Daohui’s article on <mn>>, Feb. 2009)
<’s Original Intention to Mobilize the Rectification Movement>>
The maker of this documentary has no way to count how many farms there were
throughout country for rightists to remold their ideology
Formal Gratitude t
those who made efforts in keeping memory for Dongfeng Farm
to walk out of the shade of history
Formal Gratitude to
the friends and websites that provide musical pictures and written data
导演 摄影 编辑 胡杰
Director/ Photographer/ Editor: Hu Jie
Making October of 2008-May of 2009 (3/8, Mon)