Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pakistan Must Be Destroyed.

No declaration of war yet.

I don't think President Obama is going to declare war on Pakistan.  What is the president going to do?  I don't think anything, and I don't think he would tell the world if he has decided to do something.

Last week was a calculated decision by the administration.  Admiral Mullen would tell the Senate, and the world, that the Pakistani government was behind the attacks on Americans on September 10 and 13.  Yesterday's story in The New York Times about the Pakistani government's attack on Americans in 2007 was a plant by the administration, a calculated decision also.

What did the administration calculate by these decisions?  They calculated that Christopher Hitchens, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Rep. Ted Poe, The New York Times editorial board, and certain idiot bloggers would go, more or less literally, on the warpath.  And they (we) did. And...Oh and that Pakistan would be embarrassed, and would go, more or less figuratively, on the warpath.

And...does anybody see anything else?  That is not calculation beyond 2+2=outrage.  This could not have been calculated (1) to get Pakistan to change its behavior-or- (2) as a precursor to cut off aid to Pakistan (2+2+2 but hardly Mao Zedong advanced calculus). The Obama administration is not naive enough to think the former and is not calculating enough even to the level of the latter. Therefore, ergo, as we Latin scholars say, the administration did this to get people upset. There's nothing else.

It's only a war of words, not a real war to them, even though Americans really have been killed.  I wish the administration would begin a debate with the American people on what should be done.