Monday, April 09, 2018

Crosses Are For Crucifixions

The implication--"Everybody blows that stop sign;" "You get into a trance."--is that the truck driver blew that stop sign.

Thus, the undersigned non-expert, because really, you don't need to be an expert, offers--unbidden, I hasten to add--the following advice to the Royal Canadian Road Builders:

Just say no to crosses. Do not construct highways to intersect at right angles.

Look at that photograph up there. When I first saw that as a thumbnail I thought Highway 35 was a church steeple! it was so straight and rigid Those highways are straight as an arrow over terrain as flat as a pancake. Those are highways built for high speed over long distance, in the U.S. we call them "interstates." Americans, how are entry and exit to an interstate designed? Curves, "clover leafs." Americans, have you ever seen two interstates intersect at right angles?

C'mon man.

A stop sign with flashing light is not going to stop drivers from blowing through that intersection. "Rumble strips" will get drivers out of their "trance," they will slow them down too, but they can't see at that intersection, the trees obscure them...

...and they are just going to rumble slower right on through.

Curve the damn highways at the approaches to intersections. Give drivers no alternative but to slow down and look before crossing--they have to follow the damn road!

C'mon man. Crosses are for crucifixions.