Donald J. Trump
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
....I will be responding to China’s Tariffs this afternoon. This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States. Also, I am ordering all carriers, including Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the Post Office, to SEARCH FOR & REFUSE,....
Bill Kristol
Verified account
Needless to say, this "order" by Trump has no basis in law. Its only basis is in an authoritarian mindset. One might seek reassurance in the fact the "order" is fanciful. But the conclusion that our president is merely a fantasist with authoritarian inclinations isn't reassuring.
8:57 AM - 23 Aug 2019
George Conway
Republicans need to face up to the fact that the President of the United States is mentally unstable and psychologically unfit. And it’s only going to get worse.
9:22 AM - 23 Aug 2019 from Alpine, NJ
George Conway
I hereby order the White House staff to take @realDonaldTrump to
Walter Reed, and to convene the cabinet under Section 4 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment.
9:36 AM - 23 Aug 2019 from Alpine, NJ
(Kellyanne Conway's husband)
Joe Walsh
Verified account
Trump is not well. Trump is not stable. Trump is not fit. Trump is a danger to the country and he’s becoming a big danger to your pocketbook.
Nothing we didn’t already know.
Stock Market Plunges 223 Points in 5 Minutes After Trump’s Stunning China Tweets
By Tommy ChristopherAug 23rd, 2019, 12:38 pm4354 comments
Verified account
5h5 hours ago
....I will be responding to China’s Tariffs this afternoon. This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States. Also, I am ordering all carriers, including Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the Post Office, to SEARCH FOR & REFUSE,....
Bill Kristol
Verified account
Needless to say, this "order" by Trump has no basis in law. Its only basis is in an authoritarian mindset. One might seek reassurance in the fact the "order" is fanciful. But the conclusion that our president is merely a fantasist with authoritarian inclinations isn't reassuring.
8:57 AM - 23 Aug 2019
George Conway
Republicans need to face up to the fact that the President of the United States is mentally unstable and psychologically unfit. And it’s only going to get worse.
9:22 AM - 23 Aug 2019 from Alpine, NJ
George Conway
I hereby order the White House staff to take @realDonaldTrump to
Walter Reed, and to convene the cabinet under Section 4 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment.
9:36 AM - 23 Aug 2019 from Alpine, NJ
(Kellyanne Conway's husband)
Joe Walsh
Verified account
Trump is not well. Trump is not stable. Trump is not fit. Trump is a danger to the country and he’s becoming a big danger to your pocketbook.
Nothing we didn’t already know.
Stock Market Plunges 223 Points in 5 Minutes After Trump’s Stunning China Tweets
By Tommy ChristopherAug 23rd, 2019, 12:38 pm4354 comments

Walsh is some right-winger thinking of running against Trump in the primaries.