Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Oh this is something I have felt for many months now.  Frank Bruni posits here that a great majority of Americans, far in excess of 50%, have just plain had enough of Trump; that he takes up too much of their time, too much of their attention, ultimately he takes such a toll on their individual “psyches,” that they have moved beyond Trump fatigue and Trump exhaustion, into Trump Enough! They’ve had it, even some of his supporters. “ ‘Even Trump’s Supporters Are Getting Tired of His Daily Drama’ was the headline on Jim Geraghty’s Monday column in National Review.”

I have felt guilty at succumbing to my own Trump fatigue turned exhaustion and have turned away for spells (not tonight, though), but I wouldn’t vote for Trump if Hitler and Stalin were the alternatives. Bruni had his epiphany Saturday. I think he’s right that aside from Trump Haters like me and Never Trumpers like Kristol there are others, independents, a few supporters, lukewarmers, who have quietly decided enough is enough and that combined these groups are a vast majority who will inflict on Trump a landslide defeat in fourteen months.