Monday, January 24, 2022


NATO Steps Up Readiness in Eastern Europe to Reassure Allies

The alliance is sending more jets and ships to the region. The decision comes as Britain joined the U.S. in withdrawing the families of diplomats in Kyiv, moves that the Ukraine government called premature.

? I don't know why Ukraine would call the withdrawal of diplomats' families premature. ?

KYIV — NATO said on Monday that some member countries were putting their forces on standby and sending additional ships and fighter jets to Eastern Europe to reassure allies in the region, as Britain joined the United States in ordering families of diplomats out of Ukraine, citing “the growing threat from Russia.”

The moves signaled rising fears of a potential Russian military intervention in Ukraine, as well as increasing concerns about the Kremlin flexing its muscles further afield. Russian troops and equipment are pouring into neighboring Belarus for planned exercises next month that U.S. officials fear are not only directed at Ukraine, but also intended to intimidate NATO countries on Belarus’s western border like Poland and the Baltic countries.

I read about the Belarus deployment yesterday I guess. Didn't know what to make of it cuz didn't know where Belarus was in relation to Russia, Ukraine and the West. I get it now.