Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Mr. Kasparov adds an important codicil to the general rule. If the war ends in an agreement between Ukraine and Russia we cannot lift sanctions, cannot reintegrate Russia and start anew. Putin "cannot remain in power." That is the Kasparov codicil with which I agree. I would go further and add a codicil to the codicil. We should continue imposing apartheid on the Russian state if, e.g., Medvedev resumes the pas de deux and become president again. We should continue with state apartheid if Lavrov becomes president. How far should we go beyond those two? To state plainly Russian elites and the Russian people have a choice: apartheid and a 1998 economy or regime change. What are our conditions, free and fair elections? I don't know the answer to either question but it ain't gonna be Medvedev or Lavrov that ends apartheid.