Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Joe Biden is now the towering, stalwart, moral leader of America and of the free world. Courage has raised him up. Resolution has sustained him. Time and again the thin man has rebounded from tragedy and failure to stand up when his country and the world most needed it. The American political scientist’s conceit has been that bad as some of our presidents have been, somehow, by some political intuition, in a time of crisis we have chosen precisely the right man. Biden has given truth to the conceit. When the Great Republic was teetering for the first time in 250 years it fell to him to vanquish the manque strongman who threatened it. When the fate of an entire continent was menaced as it had not been for eighty years it fell to him to stand up to the strongman. He has done it with clear-sightedness and clear-headedness, purpose and resolve, and with courage. He has been prepared his entire career for this moment. There is purpose to Biden’s thinking and actions on Ukraine. He knows this adversary thoroughly and knows his purpose. He has not made a misstep and has united the free world and a divided America. "This is the United States of America" is his incantation. This is Joe Biden’s moment and he is has risen above all.