Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Servant S-2 E-1, FINIS

But some of the scenes could not have been a birthday prank. Vasya and Anna (spelled Ania in this E) on the river-side estate. That was not part part of the prank. The coup d'etat on TV--maybe that could have been faked. What was real and will serve as plot line going forward and what was fake? Vasya's family moving in to a new place, a chalet and Vasya showing up. The abduction and execution plays (three different ones) were part of the prank--and totally unreal. There were four separate rewinds. The E opens with Ania and Vasya riverside, Vasya having the medieval dream--nothing to indicate that any segment other than the medieval was a dream--then "Three Weeks Earlier", then "Two Weeks Earlier," "One week earlier", and "Three Days Earlier." This script was terrible, as if written by Dickens on LSD. Awful episode. God knows where S-2 E-2 will pick up.