Thursday, April 27, 2023

These playoffs have been, in my admittedly blitzed long-term memory, more enthralling than any other. I love Sacramento; I loved Golden State; I hated New York but this season I really warmed to them; I have always despised all things Cleveland (except when LBJ was there) and now they have gotten their deserved re-humiliation; and of course I love the “Heat” and am just deliriously, happily stunned that they took down the Association’s best team. Now I get “Knicks”-“Heat”. It’s a party like it’s 1999.

And…City yesterday. My God. I don’t hate Arsenal, I even like them. I thought it would have been great had they won the Premier League. But as Chris Fedor wrote of Cleveland last night, Arsenal “was not ready for this stage.” City was, they were built for this stage, they have been on this stage so many times it’s in the club DNA. So April 26, 2023, my beloved little girl’s birthday to boot, was a glorious day for this old Boomer.