Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A fact that goes missed: In the Palestinian state in Gaza there was no Israeli “occupation” whatsoever. 
 Not one inch. Not one Israeli soldier or civilian. 
 In 2005 Israel officially left the entire Gaza Strip to the very last inch. 
We pulled out ALL Israelis and ALL IDF soldiers.  
We pulled back to the 1949 borders. 
At first, we applied no blockade or siege. 
We handed the keys over to the Palestinian authority. 
At that point they had an opportunity to turn Gaza into an amazing and beautiful state. A Singapore with beautiful beaches, hotels, tourism, business and culture. 
They chose otherwise. A majority of Palestinians voted Hamas whose explicit goal is to destroy Israel. 
 Hamas won both in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria (aka “the West Bank”). They began shooting rockets from their new state into Israel. Tens of thousands of rockets killed children and citizens of Israel, ever since. 
Their goal has never been to live side-by-side Israel, but to destroy Israel. 
For the past 20 years Israelis hoped again and again that our neighbours seek happiness for their families and this will ultimately moderate them. 
We Israelis believe in the inherent goodness of humans. We were wrong. Dead wrong. 
This is the tough reality we’re facing. This is a battle between an ideology of life and one of death. 
We say “le-Haim” - to life. We say “Shalom” - peace. They say “itbach el yahud” - slaughter the Jews. This is our reality of 2023. 
Let me be clear: all Israelis, wall-to-wall are now united to bring total defeat to the terrorists agents of death. 
 Life will prevail over death. 
Please don’t try to stop us, because we won’t until we win. Am Yisrael Chai🇮🇱