Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate Cogitate: Dictate, Hate, 34

I cogitate that this cake is baked before the debate--with one large ingredient missing: 34. Fed up with democracy? Fine. You want a 34-time convict dictating? Trump says there's a crime wave.There is: a one-man crime wave. Trump offered himself as a whore to Big Oil; he was willing to be bribed by oil execs for $1B campaign contribution. And to prostitute you. Trump blew up the Biden border deal because it help the American people, but hurt Trump politically. He is willing to hurt the American people for himself.

Hate: They're coming for you. I'm just in the way. Welcome their hate. Lean into the hate, welcome it. Biden has got to bind people to him. "Riggers"--Trump code for "Niggers". Put and keep Trump on defensive, talking about his record, his rhetoric. "Trump hates me and he hates you. He is coming for you--for people of color, for Christians and those insufficiently Christian for him, for Jews, for Muslims, for women, for the non-binary, for the middle class, for the poor, for Democrats, for Republicans, for judges, for juries, for elections--for anyone and anything that is not for Trump! His message is hate, and the messenger is a 34-time convicted felon, a rapist and convicted fraudster! Had Trump’s trial been held in the state he fled to he wouldn’t even be able to vote for himself!”

Divide: We're not the united anything. Divide. Lean into hit. MAGA violence, racism, its war on all non-whites, on all anti-Trump whites.

Truth: We are better off than we were four years, five years ago, six, seven, and eight. Lies can defeat truth if they go unanswered. Truth can defeat lies.

Joe Biden
Trump is the first president since Hoover who left office with fewer jobs than when he entered.
3:03 PM · Jun 25, 2024