Sunday, June 30, 2024

I thought that I had posted this. I texted my family at 6:17 pm Saturday. I've anonymized the name:

This is unbelievable. My Big Brother just called and he sounded EXACTLY like President Biden did Thursday night (minus the brain malfunctions). His voice was weaker than I had ever heard it and it was hoarse and raspy. He has had a virus for two weeks. Biden, supposedly, was seen by a doc at Camp David and pronounced just to have a cold. My Big Brother is 83, Biden is 81. My Big Brotherk knows he sounds terrible but swears to me he feels fine. The similarities in how these two octogenarians sounded was shocking.

When he answered the phone yesterday he said "How you doin' Ben" and it was in a far off voice, if you know what I mean.

I was concerned and called him again today at ~1:30 am. He didn't pick up.  I left a message that I wanted "to hear your voice.". At 4:08 pm he called back and we spoke for 16 mins. He sounded differently bad. I summarized for my family at 4:28:

My Big Brother's speech is slurred. He is dizzy and light-headed.

He sleeps on a mattress and box spring on the floor to avoid the fall that his wife suffered two years ago in which she suffered a concussion and cerebral hematoma that was the start of her irreversible decline and death. He does not sleep on a bed frame that elevates the bed even more. With mattress and box spring on the floor he's close to the floor. He told me that when he tried to get out of bed on more than one occasion today he fell back and had to try again, finally making it on the second or third try. I used to sleep on a mattress and box spring without bed frame also and it was difficult to get up and I hurt my knee.

After expressed concern from my daughter, I added at 4:33:

Alarming. I'm very concerned. I told him he can't drive to work tomorrow and he is considering not going.

I was so concerned that I tried to call him back at ~6:15 but figured he might be asleep and he didn't pick up. I left a message that I "wanted to hear your voice again" and hoped I hadn't interrupted his sleep.

I drew a straight line from how he presented yesterday and how President Biden presented Thursday night and told him he sounded like the president. It was indeed uncanny. My Big Brother has been under the weather, I didn't realize the toll it was taking, for about two weeks he told me today. The president allegedly had been diagnosed with a cold at Camp David during debate prep. My brother could not stand up and debate for 90 minutes starting at 9 pm for anything. He works, as a dentist, in nursing homes from 8:30 am until early afternoon, similar to the president's peak performance hours of 10-4. But my brother's is a part-time job two days a week. The president's job is very full-time, 24/7, 365. 

The point of this post is not to air my elderly brother's health. It is to cast light on the president. The symptoms are uncannily similar and my brother's have changed in 24 hours. Slurred speech is alarming indeed. Dizziness and light-headedness were different symptoms today than yesterday and equally concerning for a 83-year old who must drive a half hour or more to the nursing homes where he sees patients. As a pretty hard rule I don't give advice to adults, especially those who are my revered seniors, but today, after letting him talk and resisting interrupting him, I just listened as much as I could, at the end of which I was clear, "You cannot go to work tomorrow, you cannot drive." I told him additionally that he slurred his speech at least once and he acknowledged.

Repeating myself for emphasis, I'm not airing personal family matters to establish some faux intimacy or to indulge voyeurism. It is the similarities in age, in orientation (both Pennsylvanians), and symptoms of God knows what, and the unfitness of both of these men for work in their professions. And my purpose is to draw one contrast: my brother knows that I will always tell him the truth as I assess it on the phone by only hearing, not seeing, him over 1,200 miles. He listens to me and he trusts me. The president of the United States does not have a truth-teller in his family.