Monday, July 01, 2024


A media ‘nervous breakdown’? Calls for 

Biden’s withdrawal produce 

some extraordinary moments

Tom Friedman cried; the Times editorial; the Journal-Constitution's editorial; even I couldn't get to sleep.

I also mentioned this point last Friday: When was the last time the pundits and bloviators like me had a nervous breakdown? It wasn't too long ago. When Michael Cohen got crossed on the 8:02 phone call and lost the Manhattan trial that Trump was just convicted 34 times on. We were all losing our SHIT! Reasonable doubt, reasonable doubt, reasonable doubt out our assholes! The jury? Yawn, okay everybody ready, we've been in here long enough to make it look good. Guilty. 34G.

This race is not going to change dramatically. I can have a nervous breakdown, Friedman can have a nervous breakdown, the Special Ed board can bloviate all they want. The voters? The voters don't care what the New York Times Ed. Board says. Don't read the paper. Don't care. They care the issues (so far that hurts Biden), they care about having a 34G convict in the WH, they care, really they do, about this Supreme Court; abortion, immigration, cost of living. They don't care what makes Tom Friedman cry or me stay up half the night.

 Yet in another swing state, Pennsylvania, The Philadelphia Inquirer took another tack. Biden shouldn’t be the presidential candidate dropping out, the newspaper said in an editorial over the weekend.

“There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president,” the Inquirer wrote. “The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be.”

I always liked the Inquirer. SERIOUSLY! I lived in Philly for the worst four years of my life. The Inquirer was about the only good thing about living there.