Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Polls that have been conducted exclusively since the debate...*


Wall Street Journal June 29-July 2: Trump +6, “the widest in Journal surveys dating to late 2021 and compares with a 2-point lead in February.

Six is the new normal.

July 3, 2:05 pm:

NYT/Sienna June 28-July 2: Trump +6. Up three from same poll pre-debate (June 20-25).

July 3, 10:01 am:

CBS June 28-July 2: Trump +2

Reuters/Ipsos July 1-2: Tie

Yahoo June 28-July 1: Trump +2

Where's the beef, ABJ'ers?

July 2 12:45 pm:

CNN “conducted after the debate”: Trump +6. “Identical to the results of CNN’s national poll on the presidential race in April”.

July 2, 9:27 pm:

St. Anselm's New Hampshire poll June 28-29: Trump +2. This is a major shift from this poll's last, in December, which had Biden +10.

6:42 pm:

Harvard/Harris June 28-30: Trump +4. Trump's lead is down 2% from this poll's May survey.

4:26 pm:

Morning Consult June 28: Biden +1
Data for Progress June 28: Trump +3
SurveyUSA June 28: Trump +2
Morning Consult June 28-30: Trump +1