Friday, September 13, 2024

Wall Street Journal Editorial (as much as I can read)


Why is the former President hanging with a 9/11 conspiracist?

Donald Trump likes to call his political opponents nuts, as in “crazy Nancy Pelosi,” so then why is he hanging with the 9/11 conspiracist Laura Loomer? Is he trying to lose the election?

We can’t believe we have to write this about a presidential candidate, but then Mr. Trump seems to like the company of Ms. Loomer, the 31-year-old online provocateur. She was backstage with the Trump team during this week’s debate with Kamala Harris and was in the spin room with the former President afterward.

She then flew on Mr. Trump’s plane to the anniversary memorials of 9/11 in New York City and the site of the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania. Her attendance at these events was especially insulting since Ms. Loomer has claimed that 9/11 was “an inside job.” Does she think Osama bin Laden was a CIA front man?


Okay, so that's it. My answer to Wally's first rhetorical question is: because trumpie is a conspiracy theorist himself: see Obama birther, global warming, COVID, the 2020 election. I've missed a lot, I know. The elevator seriously doesn't go all the way to the top in trumpie. Facts get nowhere near the top floor. He's seriously touched and always has been, but now he's old and has had the loopedy loops of thirty-four felony convictions, an involuntary ear piercing procedure, Joey drop out of his redemption race, Kamala drop in, he can't make hide nor hair of her, one epic smackdown of a debate opponent, his own bitch slap by Kamala, his crowds inexplicably (to him) dwarfed by those of the newbie, who he doesn't know who she is and he's losing to her, his campaign bank account melting in the summer, soon to be autumn, heat while she is experiencing a green avalanche. Seriously, that's a lot.

My answer to the second question is, no, of course not. He is trying to cope. He's trying to run back 2016, brought back Corey Lewandowski to do that, is paranoid that his predicament is all his aides' fault (Lincoln Project's commercials playing to his conspiracy half-thought that maybe they are all against him have worked), he's grasping at straws as a drowning man grasps at any stray reed or floating garbage, when he found the aforesaid "Loomer Tunes", and yet knows that nothing, not shooting a man in broad daylight, nor JD Couch and the laughable, non-factual and deadly libel of pet eating high melanins, nor Hannibal Lechter nor shocking sharks, nor Loomer, not anything can dislodge </=47% of the voting public because he talks like them and vice versa and were dropped on their heads as infants more than the recommended dosage. Loomer supports him unconditionally and forever and her presence at his side is comforting as a blanket infected with the plague. So he's ignoring LaCivita and Wiles and making out with Corey and Laura in the corner of a dark room by the light of a flickering 20 watt bulb high over head. It casts ominous pulsing shadows which he studies for meaning. It's all he has. He sees his revenge tour crashing and burning but only to that 47% floor-ceiling and is hoping for a Diabolus ex Machina if needed and it may be needed. There are no shortage of Diaboli who could intervene: a European war between Russia and NATO is most promising; he has a soul mate in the middle east in Netanyahu who may plausibly trigger war with Iran and give truth to his "the world is on fire". Is there anyone who sees that as beyond the pale of the not unreasonable occurrence? Not I. He is caught between the diamond hard rock of </equal 47% with no reasonable path to get to 48% much less an election-winning percent and so he flails and fails again and again. Yet (again) he is closer to Kamala than he was to Biden in 2020 and it would take a non-cataclysm to get beyond 47% and squeak by in the EC. If the election were held today Democrats' bums would be so tight you couldn't get a needle uo there and just ask Nate Silver. as of 1:45 pm today the Silvery forecast was a 69% chance of an orange sunrise and sunset in the Electoral College with only a 31% chance of blue skies? trumpie's not in panic mode, what's to panic about? He's in concern and deep suspicion mode. All is not near lost for trumpie, and he knows that better than all of his aides combined and he doesn't trust them and is grabbing onto Lewandowski and Loomer who will tell him that till cows fly. What else is he to do? In for a nut, in for a nut factory. But he will lose continuing on this LSD-induced path to involuntary hospitalization and he senses that it may and is worried that it may and anxiety-panic-lunacy is a vicious but predictable circle.

No, he doesn't really think OBL was a CIA front man but Laura does and she likes him so what the heck, let her be her own right wing flower child free thinker and see where where that lands him.

He is not going to change, he's not going to disavow a supporter whether it's a 9/11 conspiracist, or the "good" Nazis at Charlottesville. Let Trump be Trump was Lewandowski's sole prescription onboarding and it's not working swimmingly, he knows that, but hey, they support and comfort him and he's not going to lose that </= 47% so why not.

He's going to lose but not because of irritating, suspicion-inducing aides but because Trump is being Trump.