Mr. Washington, a television star on the hit series Grey's Anatomy, has been fired for twice using a homophobic slur. He has responded with the McCarthyesque accusation of our time: it was racism that got him fired.
Here are Mr. Washington's words:
"Someone heard the booming voice of a black man and got really scared and that was the beginning of the end for me."
No sir, the beginning of your end was slurring other people and then slurring them again in explanation.
Mr. Washington has slurred his employers--only white people to him--as a defense to his slur against gay people. Intolerance+McCarthyism=Isaiah Washington.
"My mistake was believing that I would get the support from my network and all of my cast mates across the board. My mistake was believing I could correct a wrong with honesty and sincerity." My mistake was thinking black people get second chances. I was wrong on all fronts."
Sir, your mistake was to believe that people will come to your defense when you say the indefensible. Your "mistake" was to give vent to your prejudices when confronted with your own words evincing that same prejudice. Your mistake was to assume that "black people" get a third chance when no one of any race deserves a second chance.
"Well, it didn't help me on the set that I was a black man who wasn't a mush-mouth Negro walking around with his head in his hands all the time. I didn't speak like I'd just left the plantation and that can be a problem for people sometime."
That's a nearly incoherent couple of statements, sir. One would assume that a "mush-mouth Negro" would speak like he'd just left the plantation. I guess the first sentence means that you weren't subservient as you presume white people prefer "black people" to be. That is racism and it is false, or you wouldn't have gotten the part in the series in first place.
Mr. Washington, I don't own a TV so I don't know how you speak but I infer that you think that you speak in a way that is more elevated than other African-Americans, who you believe speak like they'd "just left the plantation." Your words would be hateful no matter how well you spoke them.
"I had a person in human resources tell me after this thing played out that 'some people' were afraid of me around the studio. I asked her why, because I'm a 6-foot-1, black man with dark skin and who doesn't go around saying 'Yessah, massa sir' and 'No sir, massa' to everyone?"
Name her, sir. What is her name? So now it's because of the tone of your skin not just the color. Mr. Washington, you're embarrassing yourself.
"It's nuts when your presence alone can just scare people, and that made me a prime candidate to take the heat in a dysfunctional family."
Mr. Washington, you are a clown and clowns don't scare other people, they make people laugh.
Mr. Washington, I think that you are a bully and a coward, a racist, and a homophobe (and a clown) and I think that I am better than you sir, not because I am white but because I am none of the things that you are. I am Benjamin Harris
Here are Mr. Washington's words:
"Someone heard the booming voice of a black man and got really scared and that was the beginning of the end for me."
No sir, the beginning of your end was slurring other people and then slurring them again in explanation.
Mr. Washington has slurred his employers--only white people to him--as a defense to his slur against gay people. Intolerance+McCarthyism=Isaiah Washington.
"My mistake was believing that I would get the support from my network and all of my cast mates across the board. My mistake was believing I could correct a wrong with honesty and sincerity." My mistake was thinking black people get second chances. I was wrong on all fronts."
Sir, your mistake was to believe that people will come to your defense when you say the indefensible. Your "mistake" was to give vent to your prejudices when confronted with your own words evincing that same prejudice. Your mistake was to assume that "black people" get a third chance when no one of any race deserves a second chance.
"Well, it didn't help me on the set that I was a black man who wasn't a mush-mouth Negro walking around with his head in his hands all the time. I didn't speak like I'd just left the plantation and that can be a problem for people sometime."
That's a nearly incoherent couple of statements, sir. One would assume that a "mush-mouth Negro" would speak like he'd just left the plantation. I guess the first sentence means that you weren't subservient as you presume white people prefer "black people" to be. That is racism and it is false, or you wouldn't have gotten the part in the series in first place.
Mr. Washington, I don't own a TV so I don't know how you speak but I infer that you think that you speak in a way that is more elevated than other African-Americans, who you believe speak like they'd "just left the plantation." Your words would be hateful no matter how well you spoke them.
"I had a person in human resources tell me after this thing played out that 'some people' were afraid of me around the studio. I asked her why, because I'm a 6-foot-1, black man with dark skin and who doesn't go around saying 'Yessah, massa sir' and 'No sir, massa' to everyone?"
Name her, sir. What is her name? So now it's because of the tone of your skin not just the color. Mr. Washington, you're embarrassing yourself.
"It's nuts when your presence alone can just scare people, and that made me a prime candidate to take the heat in a dysfunctional family."
Mr. Washington, you are a clown and clowns don't scare other people, they make people laugh.
Mr. Washington, I think that you are a bully and a coward, a racist, and a homophobe (and a clown) and I think that I am better than you sir, not because I am white but because I am none of the things that you are. I am Benjamin Harris