Monday, August 31, 2009

China's Great Wall of Silence, "The Foreigner."

There's a scene in "Annie Hall" where the Woody Allen character pauses before saying "Thank you" to a compliment paid him by Annie (Diane Keaton). The compliment was, "You're a real Jew."

The big bold Chinese characters below look like a headline. In fact they are a headline. They are the title to a recent article on a Chinese website whose subject is the "Great Wall of Silence" series.

It's a laudatory article and I am grateful and grateful also for the title which is complimentary to me personally for it reads in English, "A Respected Foreign Devil." (Pause) Thank you.


知道本杰明.哈里斯(BENJAMIN HARRIS这个人,是在两年多前的一天。我在浏览一个网站时,见到一个介绍,说有位本杰明.哈里斯,是美国检察官。这位美国检察官,知道了四十年前发生在地球另一端的一件往事,就是在1966年的红八月,在当时自称世界革命心的北京,北京师范大学女子附属中学的女校长卞仲耘,被自己的学生,活活殴打致死。几十年过去了,究竟是谁人参与打死校长?不甚了了;众多学生,无论打人者或看客,没有一个出来道歉,或证言此事
