Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Riots in Britain.

There are riots in Britain.

"For the moment, though, the circumstances of Mr. Duggan’s death [Mr. Duggan was shot by the police] appeared to be remote from the forces driving the riots, at least in the assessment of many of those who are most familiar with the neighborhoods affected. Community organizers, neighborhood residents and members of Parliament who represent the districts, including several who, like Mr. Duggan, were of Afro-Caribbean descent, have said, overwhelmingly, that his death, while providing the original trigger for the violence, has had little or nothing to do with the looting and arson." The New York Times. 

We in America know something about riots. We like riots. I can't think of a really good American riot that didn't have an obvious cause: police shootings will do, racial tension, labor unrest, football victories. 

These riots in Britain, now in their fourth day, are not being explained by any of that, or by anything else. 

Britain is a peculiar place.